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KAT DIDN'T DIE THAT NIGHT BUT THINGS WERE SAID THAT COULDN'T BE TAKEN BACK. Kat accepted that but she could recognise that what was said brought her closer to Thomas, or Tommy as she was subconsciously beginning to say. Truth be told, Kat couldn't remember exactly what happened that night. All she remembered was the startling blue eyes that stared down at her in concern as she babbled deliriously. Kat couldn't take back her delirious rambles and neither she or Tommy acknowledged them. It had happened and both tried to move on with their lives.

Kat's life, however, was temporarily on hold. It was as if the deadly pandemic had drained all the energy from Kat's body and as a result, she struggled to complete the most basic tasks. Polly had forbidden Kat from returning home and kept her captive at Watery Lane. Kat was thankful for Polly's help but after weeks of intense observation and babysitting, Kat wanted nothing more than to run away from the Shelby woman. Kat couldn't even take a piss without Polly watching her every move, even though granted at the start that was a necessity but as the weeks went on, it was no longer needed.

In some ways it was a blessing, however, being cooped up in the Shelby house - she didn't have to face the inevitable loneliness that would hang over her own house like an ominous presence with the absence of Bobby. His presence had made an impact on her life, giving her purpose everyday and now she felt like she lost her only purpose.

A knocking on the bedroom door shook her out of her thoughts and she figured that it was Polly outside the door. The woman had been very kind to Kat throughout the whole ordeal, adamant that Kat would stay in her bedroom despite having no where else to stay.

However, it wasn't Polly on the other side of the door. Esme Shelby (nee Lee) stood in the doorway, her hands clasped in her front of her as she hesitantly stepped into the room. "Polly asked me to help you. Don't mind, d'ya?"

Kat sighed and tried to sit up in the bed but Esme quickly assisted her when she clearly struggled. "Where's Polly?"

Esme ignored the grumble in Kat's tone and smiled. "Popped down to the market, so she said."

Kat had to give it to Esme as she was a lot stronger than she looked. The woman had little trouble helping Kat out of the bed and wordlessly helped her into her clothes. She wasn't nearly as overbearing like Polly could be, only helping when Kat asked or when it was obvious that she was struggling.

Kat hated the stairs. She hadn't managed to gather the strength to descend them without much difficulty yet and it was always a bit of an ordeal but Esme and herself managed it fine. In the beginning, one of the boys would have to carry her down the steps which mortified her but she appreciated the effort they put in, all of them.

Once they made it into the kitchen, Kat practically fell into the chair. The stairs always took so much out of her. She figured if she avoided the stairs altogether, she would be recovering much faster. Polly didn't think it would make all that much difference.

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