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KAT FELT AN ODD SATISFACTION WATCHING THE PURE EMOTION AND FEAR THAT FLASHED THROUGH GRACE'S EYES. She felt as if she was holding Grace's life in her hand and was about to crush all the life out of her soul with her words alone. The way Grace's eyes darted around the small room in desperation shouldn't have made Kat feel as proud as she did but there was something so vindicating about it. Grace has had the upper hand for too long and finally Kat felt like she was winning. And boy, did it feel good.

"Do you know what it feels like to have nothing, Grace?" Kat asked her softly. Grace's eyes widened at the unexpected question and soft tone. She didn't like the tone Kat had used, she had been expecting anger and yelling. This was unexpected which only meant that this confrontation could only be unpredictable. Kat smiled as if they were having a friendly conversation between friends. "To live in the slums and have to fight your way through the bastards who only want to see you fall flat on your arse?"

Grace tried to not to panic. She reminded herself that she had training, she had the upper hand. Kat wasn't trained, she was just in the right place at the right time and happened to be incredibly intimidating. Grace's hand wrapped itself around the neck of an empty whiskey bottle behind her back, slow enough that Kat wouldn't notice it.

"People who have nothing and have to fight for everything, we stick together and we fight together." Kat claimed, a threatening undertone coming to the forefront of her words. Grace tightened her grip around the bottle as Kat took a single step closer and her breath quickened slightly. Kat smirked at the panicked breath that Grace took. "We don't accept many people into our circles because we don't like traitors. You know what we do to traitors, Grace? We cut them."

Grace had to act, the threatening words were just too clear to ignore but Kat was more intelligent than she looked. Kat had seen the way Grace's arm had inched behind her and it was simple enough to guess what she was grabbing. They were in a room full of empty whiskey bottles.

Kat saw Grace's arm tense even before Grace knew what she was doing. It was enough time for Kat to move out of the way as Grace swung the glass bottle at where she thought Kat's face would be. Kat grabbed Grace's wrist and twisted it, making Grace drop the bottle. Kat knew she wasn't a fighter, her words were her weapons and so, she used them.

"I was going to say that us women had more sense than that but clearly some of us don't." Kat smirked condescendingly at the petrified Irish woman who had tried to cut her face open with a glass bottle. Both women looked down at the broken shards of glass on the ground and Kat stood on them. The sound of glass crushing under the pressure of her shoe was somehow more intimidating than the smile on her face as she closed in on Grace. "So Ms Agent of the Crown, tell me everything."

Grace was trapped, she couldn't escape the heavy gaze she was under. The pathway to the door was blocked by Kat, who wasn't going to move an inch until she heard everything she wanted to know. Grace swallowed although she tried to not to seem intimidated, which was pointless since it was as clear as day to Kat.

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