Chapter 6

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"So, are you going to tell me why we are at a hotel and waiting for Nico and Alya to get here? Did I get their names right?" Marinette asked.

"Sort of, it's Nino and Alya," Adrien corrected.

"Darn," Marinette muttered under her breath.

They sit in silence waiting for their friends and just happen to not notice their intertwining fingers and the fact the two other guests decided to walk in with wide smiles.

"Marinette, why didn't you call me about this 'new development?'" said a girl Marinette assumed was Alya, but before she could even respond, Adrien already had an answer.

"Marinette hit her head hard and has lost her memory. Since I found her, she seems to be more comfortable around me," Adrien said. It was only half truth because she did only feel comfortable with Adrien right now, but the reason wasn't because she lost her memory.

Nino raised a brow. "Did you think about taking Marinette to a doctor?"

"I did," Adrien said, rubbing the back of his head. "They said the best thing to do is to help get back by reenacting important moments. So, I thought since she is currently comfortable with me-"

"- you should start so she can take it slow. I like the thought, Agreste." The blogger nodded her head with approval. "But why are we at a place where Chloe can find us, and what memory are you trying to pull out of her brain with this place?"

Adrien smiled with mystery. "Nino, did you bring that mix?"

The young DJ nodded, producing a CD from his back pocket. "Why did you need it anyway?"

Alya seemed to catch onto the plan. "So, you want to start with the few memories Marinette has spent with you personally?"

Adrien winked at her. "That's to start, but I need you both for the memory to be complete." Adrien smirked at the Ladyblogger. "Remember your part?"

Alya smirks right on back at the blond. "Do I? Same as before?"

"Yep, Bro, let's get this small party started."

Nino threw out a thumbs up. " You got it, Man."

Marinette's head was exploding. What was going on? What memories were made here with Adrien that were hidden somewhere in the cluttered files of her life?

Adrien's grip on her tightened slightly to gain her attention. He gave her a small smile, pulling her to the middle of the floor. When did music start playing? With the notes flying about the air and Adrien looking like a prince from all those movies, Marinette was left mesmerized before her cat-like partner. Adrien placed Marinette's hand on his shoulder and his hand on her waist. Lastly, he moved their intertwined hands to the air for a perfect dancing position. And with that, they spun around the room, completely interested in each others' eyes. Adrien looked off to the side where Nino and Alya were dancing as well.

"They're cute, aren't they?" he asked her. Marinette, seemingly speechless, only reconnected their eye contact with a sweet smile. Just like the first time he danced with the girl, Adrien was once again lost in her beautiful, blue-bell eyes.

Without either noticing, Alya and Nino twirled over to them and moved the young hero's hands into a comfortable bear cuddle. Marinette was shocked and looked at Adrien when he smiled softly and moved in close, placing his head on her shoulder. Marientte decided to follow his lead and closed her eyes to take in the moment. Is this how it felt the first time? Did they dance together often, or was this a one time thing?

But sadly, all good things come to an end. "Adrikins!!!!" The two teens jumped apart as they heard an ear-bursting screech. "What are you doing with Marinette Dupain-Cheng?!?!"

As soon as Marinette's eyes laid on the blond brat, pain shot to the for-front of her brain. Visions flashed before her eyes. The harsh words, the cause for akuma attacks, lies, deception, struggles, hatred. Everything she ever knew about Chloe, the Mayor's brat.

"Listen, Chloe, I told you, I was hanging with Marinette today. You got the text. I saw the 'read' notification," Adrien said, trying to calm the fuming girl.

"I thought that was a joke. You know that you are so much better than to hang out with these losers."

"And what if he wasn't hanging with losers?" Marinette said, speaking up, her own anger rising.

Adrien backed up with a confused expression gracing his features.

"I wasn't talking to you, Do-Gooder," Chloe spat. "Clearly you need to remember who I am."

"Oh, I know you well," Marinette said, her tone chilling the air. Adrien, Alya (who was recording the show), and Nino stood in silence as they watched, surprised by Marinette's responses. "I've been stuck in the same class with you for four years in a row, I've had to work on a project with you as you manipulated your 'friend' to do all the work for your part, I've had to deal with your crap for too long. I'm probably going to be your biggest fight yet, because Adrien isn't here with losers, he's here with two of his best friends and his girlfriend. So, you should learn to back off."

Chloe laughed. "Are you saying you are Adrien's girlfriend? Ha! Yeah right! Like Adrien would fall in love with a danger prone girl like you, right, Adrikins?" Adrien's face held a mighty blush and seemed to be lost in thought. "Adrien?"

At that point, Adrien stood and pulled Marinette to his chest, instantly kissing her full on the mouth. They were so distracted with each other that they didn't hear the angry stomps walk as they continued their activity. Well, that was until they heard two pals clear their throats (for the fourth time).

"Care to explain?" Alya asked with her arm crossed over her chest.

"Well, I still don't have all of my memories, just the ones of Chloe," Marinette answered sheepishly.

"So, what does that mean?" asked the DJ.

Alya shrugged as her response while Adrien gave it some thought. "This means that Marinette can get her memory back, but only one person at a time with certain mixes of emotion. Making this task a whole lot harder."


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Cover Art: by wild_turtle_art on Instagram

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