Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The day was quiet, there wasn't a cloud in the sky as you walked through the court yard getting to a building where your homeroom was located. Once you entered your room you gathered all the things that were needed for the solo mission.

One bag had all the clothes you owned and the other had the weapons and equipment that the Protective Society gave you. Feeling excited and nervous at the same time you stopped for a moment rethinking about everything that led up to this moment.

"Well, here goes nothing." You said out loud closing the door behind you. Locking it.

You loaded the packing bags to the trunk of a black Toyota Camry, a nice car that was assigned to you for the mission.

"Y/n." Ben came from the elevator, walking to you. "Are you sure that your up for this? I would understand if you weren't."

"Ben, I'm up for anything even if the evil is unknown. Besides, it's a high ranking mission. I'm definitely gonna do this. It's going to be interesting, and give more experience. I want to see what else I can handle." You closed the trunk looking at him. Deep down you knew that he was worried for you. "Everything will be fine, don't worry. If things go out of hand , I'll be sure to alert you and the team."

His eyes scanned your face as he nodded.

"Never let him capture you. We don't know what he's capable of, we just know his crimes." Your leader said as the doors began to close. "Always outsmart the villains, no matter what."

"Understood sir." You nodded walking next to your assigned vehicle, you were ready for the mission.

"Alright," Ben smiled. "Be careful."

"I will." You returned the smile getting in the cab turning on the car. Placing the gear in drive, the car made its way out of the underground lot before the steal doors completely closed.

"Time to get this mission started." You said focusing on the road, going over the speed limit.

Heading off to the heart of Mexico, it was almost a day-drive which was a bit boring since it was just you. Usually your team road along to make things interesting but the trips weren't long either. You also had to make a few stops to get out and stretch for sitting too long.

"I should've taken a plane."

The time was 9pm when you arrived in the Mexico, to your disappointment there was hardly any street lights to light the way. The tint to the windows weren't much help as well.

"There's almost nothing here." You said rolling down the windows looking around seeing nothing but abandoned and boarded up buildings. Some had a bit of life to them but they were small houses with people living in them.

Since there was no other vehicles around you allowed the car to creep through the ghost town. There was only a few people out walking in the dark streets but they ran into their homes when they saw your car coming close.

"Interesting." You stopped the Toyota taking another glance through the town. "How can crime happen here? There's nothing." Your eyes looked at the navigator on the screen making sure that you were in the correct area.

You let out a little sigh feeling tired, a bit frustrated from the long drive and wanted to rest for the night. Typing in the address to the closes motel, you began to drive in the path on where the navigation guided you. 20 minutes had pasted once you got to the destination where you booked a room on the second level. You fell into a deep sleep once your head hit the pillow.

Once Morning came you woke up to a blurred sound. You opened your eyes hearing what sounded like a crowd cheering outside.

"Huh?" You sat up on the bed, walking up to the window that gave a perfect view of a large street filled with people cheering on a hero dressed in a light blue body suit with a royal blue cape. His black hair was slicked back probably from the wind or hair gel to keep it perfect. He stood in the middle of the street standing tall, smoldering at the crowed around him. You raised a brow at this while opening up the window, to hear what was going on.  

"My lovely Town," the hero spoke in a strong voice for everyone to hear. "It is I, Tenacious! I'm back from being MIA for a couple of weeks to become a better superhero. Many villains try to take over this town but I promise you, I wont let you down! I'll be here as long as I'm alive, these villains are going to be defeat once and for all when they try their evil plans! My power is stronger than ever!" He smiled looking at everyone who cheered for him, you noticed many females squealing for him which made you roll your eyes.

Then his green eyes shifted to you, making you shift your eyes somewhere else as if you were never looking at him. For a moment his gaze made you feel awkward. The crowd cheered once again as people approached him asking to take pictures and autographs from him. Closing the window and curtains you quickly got dressed for the day and began to think of finding the mysterious super villain.

"I guess I'll just wonder the little town while planning this out." You said out loud tying your hair in a low ponytail while walking out of the room, making your way to the car.

Driving in the little town there was no sign of any villain activity. Instead you kept seeing the super hero Tenacious flying in the air, watching everyone. Like another version of superman he seemed to never get tired of flying throughout the day. You rolled your eyes every time he came into view.

"Really?" You asked taking a random turn down the street. "Is he following me?" He came into view once again. "That's it." You took another turn, trying to lose him.

Stopping at a red light, you did your best to ignore the hero that everyone loved for his charming looks and built figure but on the corner of your eye you noticed someone running into an alley, looking sketchy. Blinking a couple of times making sure what you saw was correct you drove near the alley, parking the vehicle.

Quietly walking down the dark alley you could hear an unsteady breath as if someone had the air knocked out of them. You stayed close to the wall hoping that you wouldn't be seen by anyone, the unsteady breath got louder as you came close. Then a shaken up voice spoke.

P-please... give me, one more chance.." The voice was a frightened male.


A powerful voice spoke sounding demonic. This sent a chill up your spine making you stay in the shadows with your hand on your gun, still creeping to the end of the alley.

"YOU'VE FAILED!" The voice spoke again.

"BLACK HAT PLEASE! No!" The male cried out followed by a scream that made you jump back in fear, your heart began to race when the sound of flesh ripping come to your ears and seeing blood splatter from the side as you came to the end of the alley that lead to underground stairs which eventually was a dead end. You peaked with your gun pointed up to see a dead body laying in pieces almost making you gag.

"Shit..." You covered your mouth, trying to ignore the smell.

You looked around to see if there was any other evidence but something familiar caught your eye making you take a moment to look at it.

"The emblem." You mumbled realizing that it was marked in blood.

Not waiting any longer, you quickly took out your phone calling the emergency line.


Hey guys sorry for not updating for a while. My bad, hopefully you enjoyed reading it. And I want to thank you guys for the votes. You guys are so awesome! Second chapter will be out soon. 


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