Chapter 12: Change of Plans

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Thunder rumbled in the dark sky as heavy rain poured on Hat Island. Lighting danced in the distance giving the atmosphere a grim view. Parts of the Hat Mansion shook from the loud thunder causing the power to glitch here and there. The demon growled in a low tone at the thunder as it kept on. He held you tight in his arms, almost clawing you but he made sure not to hurt you in any way. Dosing on and off you felt safe with the demon, he could feel your hallow breath brushing against his chest making the feeling a bit odd to him.
Yet something new.
"I'm so sorry Y/n," he whispered, leaning his head on yours. Both you and the demon were laying on his bed, resting for a while since the incident with Lucifer. "I'm sorry..." he kept on softly.
The thunder grew louder causing you to move in your sleep but Black hat held you in the same place. Not wanting you to wake up. He knew that if you got enough rest your emotions would settle and he could continue to his plans with you, he felt a sudden change in him, more of an urge. He was in a mindset that he didn't care if you were set free. He started to come up with a new plan for you.
"Black... hat? .." you woke up snuggling into his chest. Surprisingly he was comfortable to rest against.
"Yes dear?" He looked down at you, removing his monocle. Placing it on the night stand nearby.
"I'm sorry..." you looked up at him.
"For what dear?" He was confused but knew that your emotions weren't settled yet.
"Mistaking you for Lucifer.. I should've known better... It was so out of character for you to act like how he did..." your eyes teared up.
"You didn't do anything wrong dear, trust me. It's my fault, I shouldn't have been far away from you. I shave have told you about him in the first place." He cupped your face, looking into your f/c eyes. "I should have been there. Okay? Please don't be so hard on yourself. "
You nodded, but it didn't stop the tears from coming. You mentally asked yourself why you were acting differently and crying. It wasn't like you to be upset like this. Plus you hated the demon ever since he had captured you, there was some sort of block against hating him.
"Also, " Black Hat spoke. "Your emotions are out of it because of my power to bring you back. It's okay to feel what you are feeling. Soon you are going to be how you were before."
"Okay." You said in a low voice. "Emotions suck..." you continued to cry.
The demon watched you lean your head into his chest sobbing for a while. He hugged you tightly once again with hope to calm you down.
"If you can Y/n, try to get some rest." Black hat whispered, this time bringing the blankets up to cover the both of you. Quietly you nodded closing your eyes while hugging the demon to rest for the night.

-Back at the Protective Society Base

"She hasn't called back or sent the base anything Ben." Evan spoke in a serious tone while he paced back and forth in the homeroom. Refreshing his phone for anything that might come through. "Could she be in some sort of trouble? Maybe the villain has her? Or she is lost? Hurt? Chased off the grid?"
"Evan, I'm sure she's fine but in the next 24 hours, if nothing has been sent from her then we will begin our mission to rescue her and end her mission." Ben said calmly looking at Even who stopped pacing and nodded in agreement with him.
"I hope she is okay, if anything. I will do anything to keep her safe." Evan said putting his phone in his pocket, crossing his arms.
Ben raised a brow. "Sounds like theres something more to what you are saying. "
"What do you mean? "
"Evan, ever since Y/n came back to the Protective Society. You've been by her side and always there for her. Now that she's out, your worried and always wondering if she's fine. With the slightest communication with her it makes your day, your always talking about her. It sounds like she's more than a friend to you."
"Okay..." Evan sighed, sitting down. " I admit it, I love her. She's strong, smart and very beautiful. I've been wanting to tell her this but I didn't know when was the right time but maybe after this mission?"
"Seems like a good plan to me." Ben nodded. "After that we'll see what happens from there. I think she feels the same way. Maybe a party will happen in the future yeah?"
"Definitely. " Evan smiled.
"Awesome. " Ben smiled as well. "Good talk with you buddy. I gotta check on the mission reports."
"Okay." Evan nodded checking his phone again.

-Back at the Hat Mansion

Startled by a nightmare, you jumped waking up in the arms of the demon who watched you sleep the entire night and day.
"Everything okay?" He whispered in a soft voice.
"Yeah..." you nodded. "Just a nightmare. "
"Was it that bad?" He cupped your cheek showing that he cared for you.
"Almost but. . I'm awake." You smiled, staring into his eyes that looked calm and sweet.
"Hm." Black Hat thought for a moment locking his gaze with yours, not knowing what to expect. "Y/n?"
"Yeah?" You answered seeing his eyes shift to the side thinking then lock on to your eyes.
"May... I try something with you? " he asked while watching your expression.
"Yes anything." You answered without hesitation.
"Okay, close your eyes dear." He whispered, slowly leaning close.
You closed your eyes, staying still for him.
"I wont hurt you.." he said lightly as his lips gently pressed against yours. Softly kissing you.
Kissing him back, you blushed on what was happening. Before anything else the demon parted away looking at you. From what you can tell there was a light pink blush on his face. It was a cute thing to see especially for a demon that he was.
"Interesting. " you whispered, looking at him.
"Indeed it was." Black hat nodded looking away but then he leaned in again for another kiss that lasted longer.
This time he held you closer to him, pinning you on the soft bed. He was gentle. Your arms wrapped around him tightly not wanting to let him go. 
Gripping his jacket, Black Hat began to deepen his kiss. His tongue licked your lips asking for permission to seep further, you blushed more. Allowing him in, his tongue explored your mouth making the moment more intense. Before you knew it the demon began to kiss your neck, slowly traveling down to your collarbone.
"Wonderful.." he whispered still kissing your skin slowly licking his way up to your neck.
Keeping your eyes closed, a quiet gasp escaped your lips but he heard it which made him blush more. He licked your neck again hearing another gasp come from your lips. This was really interesting to him, the feelings he had and the affection. Carefully, Black Hat kissed your lips once again loving the feeling and taste of it. Your hands rubbed his back making him smile, liking your touch.
Smiling back at him you looked away still blushing.
"Y/n?" He whispered to get your attention to look at him.
You turned seeing him look at your expression, reading your thoughts. Wanting  to know what you were thinking of the moment.
"Its lovely. " you answered him this time kissing his cheek.

Thunder rumbled again in the sky this time knocking out the power to the mansion. Black Hat looked up giving a simple shrug. Knowing that Flug would be the one to fix it.
"Oh well, at least I can see in the dark." He bragged, smirking at you. "Want to rest my dear?"
"Um.. I think I've rested enough for the time being. " you said while rubbing his back then to his chest. Noticing how calm he was. He brought you in for another kiss this time taking off his coat. Laying it nearby. Blushing at the thought of knowing that he was on top of you it was obvious that he had some sort of new plan.
Suddenly you wrist started to sting from his mark. You tried to ignore the pain as he started to explore your figure with his hands. From your hips to your chest the demon took his time feeling his way getting to know you. Biting your bottom lip you felt a press on your hips making you blush again. He gently brushed his teeth against your neck as if he wanted to bite, instead he had to control himself from wanting to go any further or possibly hurt you in anyway. You could tell that Black Hat was at war with himself. Hesitant.

"Everything alright?" You asked looking up at him.

"Yes dear," the demon looked into your eyes. "How about you?"

"My wrist." You answered seeing that the mark had began to turn red.

"Oh about that." He licked your wrist clamming the pain and redness. "Better?"

"Yes thanks." You looked at it then to him who was still leaning over you.

Your heart raced a bit in your chest as many thoughts ran through your mind. Of course the demon didn't say anything towards the thoughts as he smirked blushing slightly. "Y/n?"

"Yes Black hat?" You answered at his soft tone voice.

"If anything would you like to spend more time with me?" He asked touching your face.

"That would be nice." You smiled noticing that he had smiled at your response.  

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