Chapter 5: The Villain part II

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"Hey Evan, I was wondering if Ben had got my report about yesterdays event?" You asked over the phone while making you way to your car in an underground parking lot.

"Yes he has y/n, he's been in a lot of meetings though. I'm not sure when he'll get back to you though. I guess we are going to be having more cases." Evan said walking into an elevator.

"How come?"

"Well, the leaders of the society received a message from another division. I think they are called the Knight Division which is another protective society but more on the down low. They showed them a report that the murder rates have jumped to 15% world wide. Last time I checked, it was at 4%. Many agents set off on a number of missions in the middle of the last night. We don't know what caused this and we received a report that a bible was stolen from the ancient tomb, the same time the murder rates happened."

You stopped once you heard the word 'bible' over the phone knowing that was an element that the mist needed for something. "Um. Evan?"


"Do you know what kind of bible was stolen?" You asked, glancing around.

"Good question." Evan looked through his file. "The Devils Bible?..." He sounded confused.

"Oh no." You quietly said taking another glance around getting a feeling that you were being watched but no one was there.

"Do you know anything about that?" Evan asked, taking your attention.

"Yes but if you get a chance, look at my report. My mission might be involved with that stolen bible." You answered as the lights to the parking lot shut off. Everything became dark and somewhat hard to see.

"Will do, I'll talk to you later when I'm done reading it."

"Sounds good Evan." You kept your voice calm looking around still walking to the car.

"Bye-bye." Evan ended the conversation.

"Bye." You quickly placed your phone in your pocket getting in the black car, locking the doors.

Getting the feeling that something was near, you drove around looking for the exit. You eyes scanned everywhere in the dark but then in the rear view mirror you saw the dark figure forming behind the car. You quickly turned to look at the being only to see that there was nothing near the Toyota. You blinked a couple of times.

"Okay.." You whispered looking in front of the car pressing on the gas lightly. "Whatever that was last night, I hope it isn't following me. I don't deal well with shit like that." Thoughts filled your head.Once you made it out of the underground lot the lights turned back on. You did your best not to over think of what took place last night but the image of the figure was still in your head.

The roads were quiet with a few cars coming and going, your guess was the heavy rain is what kept people indoors today. This was also a good note to see if any activity would happen and still to your surprise the hero wasn't out flying over the city.

"Some hero."

Coming to a stoplight near a large park you glanced around for anything unusual. Just then you saw a dark mist forming from the ground near a dead tree creeping its way to a figure that stood next to a tall water fountain.

"That must be the one he calls 'Flug'." You slowly parked not too far away from the park while shutting off the head lights to the car not to be noticed. "I wonder what is going to happen?" You watched them talking to one another.

Flug nodded at the black must that floated next to him. Slowly, the paper bag scientist aimed the tip of his umbrella at the top of the water fountain causing it to glow a dark purple as Flug held out his hand where the purple mist formed into a crystal in his hand. You rolled down the tinted window while a dark protective screen stayed in place not revealing your face.

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