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Seungmin was right yesterday, when he said he would most likely chicken out before he would enter Parallel for the very first time. He's basically freaking out over the phone and it's the most humorous thing I've experienced for a while. Seungmin hardly freaks out over anything; he's the embodiment of the I don't give a shit attitude.

It's clear that Felix is having the same thoughts as I do. As he tries to reassure Seungmin over the phone, he fails to hide the amusement from his tone. It's obvious that the youngest noticed it, too. He scoffed at Felix multiple times now, a habit of him when he's nervous.

He even snapped at me when I accidentally laughed out loud. You can say about Seungmin what you want, but he never snaps at people. Again, that only happens when he's really nervous.

"Are you sure this is going to be okay? What if they lose-"

"Minnie, that's not going to happen," I say, stifling a laugh. "The system is completely safe, I told you they ran tests for five years before releasing it, remember? Not a single test in those five years went wrong."

"I bet you're safer there than in the real world," Felix adds and I hum in agreement.

I continue to listen to Seungmin's complaints and worries and Felix going through great lengths to invalidate all of them. Sometimes, he would come up with the most stupid reasons but all of them have the same outcome; the system is entirely safe and failure-proof and nothing will go wrong.

This group call is already in session for over 30 minutes. The first ten minutes was helping Seungmin to set everything up and we've been reassuring him for 20 minutes now. I can sense Felix getting impatient and I can imagine him being all restless. 

I was nervous when I jumped for the first time, too. But not as bad as Seungmin is.

"G-Guys, I think I feel nauseous, I'm-"

"Kim Seungmin," Felix sternly interrupts him. "If we don't see your ass in the starter city in ten minutes, I-"

"Okay, I'm coming," the youngest announces, his voice sounding more like a weird screech before he disconnects from the call.

"Ten minutes?" I repeat in disbelief, questioning Felix's demand. "Give that boy some time, he needs to create an account, you know? I personally spent those ten minutes on deciding my username."

"Okay, make it twenty then," the other sighs impatiently. "I'm going online, use a teleport crystal to go to the starter city and I'll see you there."

And with that, Felix ends the call too.

I listen to the beeping sound for a moment before I sigh and exchange my phone for the headgear. Not wasting a second, I connect it to my computer and carefully place it on my head before I lay down.

"Game start," I mutter.

And then everything happens really fast.

It feels like I'm floating, sucked into a tunnel of nothingness where my mind and body get separated. My body stays behind as my mind travels further into the abyss before it enters a warp hole filled with fog, flashing lights and strings with bright colors. My stomach churns as the speed increases, small particles of light passing by in a blur. No matter how many times I make the jump, it still feels sickening.

I guess this is what The Doctor feels like every time he travels with the Tardis, huh?

Right before I feel like throwing up my breakfast, my surroundings take shape and my feet touch the pebbles of Nox. I nearly lose my balance but with a lot of frantic flailing of my limps, I manage to stay on my feet before I heave out a heavy sigh.

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