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*Puts on glasses*
P.s Imagine my voice as a old professors.

P.p.s no offence to all the old professors reading this book.

Oh yes where was I........

Once upon an Entirely different Galaxy . Everything was relatively cool in the Galaxy. Ok cool was an understatement the entire continent was just a giant block of ice shaped into a make belief earth. Anyway they named it well the ice kingdom

Anyway they were seven brothers who just decided out of the blue Ice they wanted to split their giant block of ice .... I mean the continent among them into seven parts .
After that happened Arctic the third brother got his own extremely large land and named it uncle-arctica . He found a beautiful bitch married her out of love , did the dirty and boom nine months later the annoying cry of babies were heard. Yes you read right Babies. Two, double the trouble. Anyway they were identical twins.

               Well they were named snowfall and snowflake. Yes as you guessed Arctic named them. They were the future of uncle - arctica well as soon as the past stepped down. They grew in beauty, grace, kindness..... Well at least one of them did. You know in some stories of twins there's always an evil one well welcome to the land of cliché. Snowflake was younger and extremely beautiful with long pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looked like an angel and acted like one too. She gave to the poor, Danced to raise charity for children suffering from frostbite, She respected her elders and refused the desire to wring their teeth out with a screwdriver. Her parents loved her but atlas she wasn't in line for the throne her crazy sister was snowfall
Now snowfall was the opposite of snowflake she despised royalty and old people everywhere. She hated the fact they treated snowflake like a Queen. She wanted a complete totalitarian government where everyone is forced to lick her shoe. Yes has been sent to therapy before.
Snowfall was beautiful well in a horror movie sort of way she had platinum blonde hair and dull lifeless grey eyes well you get the gist snowflake was prettier. Snowfall had a weird obsession with knifes, violence and foxes. She loved foxes because they were cunning and dangerous everyone decided her villain name will be snowfox.

             Well snowfox was your regular loosed teenager before. She was annoying but controllable but after this happened she frocking snapped.
The day came when Arctic finally decided he was going to step down from being king and appoint snowflake as heir. He made a not so shocking announcement . Instead of giving the royal necklace that is the sign of uncle-arctica to snowfall ( And here comes the cliche part) . He gave it to snowflake even though she was younger. Everyone gave collective Gasps of fake shock as he appointed snowflake as his next heir.

               He calmly explained the fact that snowfall wasn't mentally fit to rule. ( Damn that stings) . Snowflake was worried about her fathers decision and the possibility of snowfox setting her on fire in her sleep but she calmly accepted to be queen. Not like she had her choice
Snowfall was fairly calm during the entire coordination . She expertly avoided any questions relating to snowflake being queen. She happily congratulated snowflake with a smile higher than mount freaking Everest. She had the ability to make a person feel loved with nothing but hate in her heart. In other words she had amazing powers of persuasion.

                She calmly excused herself and locked herself on her room. After thrashing it she summoned the great dragon called tundra and asked him to give her the power to take and control life. Every royal has the power to summon on tundra the dragon that is the protector of the royals. He can only grant three wishes. And this was Snowfox second wish.

               "I hereby crown you Que......" there was a gasp as everyone screamed uniformly as if practiced as the priest started shaking uncontrollably removing his own eyes until he fell down dead.

            "Started the party without me" snowfall said as she thought wow that was an awesome entrance.

            "What have you done" snowfall Arctic yelled .

      (A/n Killed the priest, try to keep up old man.... Oops I interrupted sorry.)

              "Don't worry daddy you will join him soon" she said as she snapped her fingers. Arctic exploded to a billion pieces and his head rolled to her feet she smiled and kicked it away.
She turned to her mom "aww don't cry both of you will soon be together forever".

           Then she did an odd circular motion with her hands and glacier while screaming loudly used a knife to cut of one of her hands then her tongue .she continued dismembering herself till she died, dark blue blood was every where

                "Now unfreeze my dear sister" she said to a frozen snowflake.

           "Now give me your ice necklace and no one gets hurt, well except you of course" . "Never" snowflake screamed .

      (A/n It was nice knowing you we'll in creating you. )

                    "Well then may the battle begin" she said as she leapt for snowfall .They fought for hours each strong like a warrior .until the necklace fell on the floor and broke in two equal halves.

                 Snowfall ran to the ice mountain with half a necklace promising to return and get revenge on snowflake and her descendants. She summoned tundra for the last time asking him to make her an immortal sprit that can take up any form including human

                  Slowly snowflake descendants started dying after ten years on the thrown no one knew how they died. Slowly uncle-artica started becoming dull and lifeless like snowfall eyes the only hope is for a royal to be born and that will put the pieces of the necklace together and save uncle-artica.


P.s I'm the hero

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