I'm clumsy not stupid

31 11 2

    One sheep

      Two sheep

      Three sheep

     Hang on why I'm I counting sheep.
               Oh yes I have arrived at my destination. I don't really like school I like learning but not school . 90% of the people here suck.
                 Like seriously I think the guy that invented school was a sick, drunk, sadistic idiot who takes delight in watching innocent children "like me" suffer . That's precisely how to describe the principal of my not so beloved school.
              I don't have much friends except blizzard and occasionally north not like i need a lot of friends. Friends bring a lot of problems. I'm not a loner or a loser or a nerd. I'm not exactly poppy Roxy material either. I'm just somewhere in the middle.

                  But having the captain of the ice hockey team as my best friend has its perks . I get a pass at Gym class because blizzard convinces the couch to go easy on me. And I get to sit with the entire ice hockey team everyday st lunch.
              Ok maybe that's not exactly a perk . The guys are major perverts all they do is talk about who has the shortest skirt or who slept with the most ice skaters this week. I honestly don't like them.
             Well I would have left by now but one of the reasons I still sit with them is the fact Winter is there.
               Cue the butterflies
         He's really cute and hot in a jock kind of way.
             Blizzard is hotter remember the apron. Wink wink.
           I hate you subconscious.
                He has never talked to me but he has his arms around a girl every week. And it irritates the hell out of me. His latest arm candy is crystal the bain of my existence. The Queen bitch of the school and my personal torturer .   She's clinging to him harder than gum on a table. Its so desperate it almost make me feel bad for her.
              If she wasn't such a bitch  could have been such good friends. She's the daughter of the fourth line of brothers so she's a princess too. Not just from uncletartica. She's from one of the seven lands in the ice kingdom.
                 He has on his Lap as we speak . I look away more of disgust than jealousy. These are all signs that I should get over my stupid crush over him but atlas love is blind, deaf, dumb and stupid.
            Blizzard hates the fact I like winter. I get his worried I will get my heart broken but my heart is on barred with titanium doors and guarded with an incredibly sassy subconscious that is guaranteed to annoy you to death.
             I'm in your brain ...idiot

               See what I mean.
        Bla bla bla bla bla bla
        Bla bla bla bla bla bla.

        Third period has been going on for hours (well ten minutes) and all I hear is the drink  drowning bla bla voice of my teacher.
                 I'm beginning to regret staying up last night watching birds of the prey. It was not my fault I have a problem OK.
             Suddenly I felt something scrape the side of my face.
Two seconds ,one attempted murder, a thin trail of blood, a knife an inch away from my face, and about thirty mind blowing screams later.
               I scream. That knife could have killed me. It only scraped one side of my face. If the teacher wanted my attention so bad she could have just said icy wake up not throw a knife at me.

          Mr I'm - too - lazy - to - care - about  - name rushed to check if I was hurt and so did Blizzard .
              Well since he was at the left side of the room and the knife cane from the right the teacher didn't try to murder me.
Are you hurt? Blizzard repeatedly ask.
            " Why don't we all ask the trail of blue blood at the side of my face". I yell
              "Even after an attempted murder you will still remain sarcastic" he retorts.

             The teacher offered to take me to the nurse but blizzard quickly cut him off saying he will do it.
                At the corner of my eye I see crystal glare at me when blizzard offered to help me.
           Ha take that bitches
             I wonder if she threw the knife nah i don't think so one thing is being a bitch and a whole entire thing to try to kill some one .

Now it's my last period and I am actually almost forgot about the whole flying knife incident. Hey shit happens and this is a weird school.
              I think what happened was some practical joke someone played on me . well it was a pretty shitty joke
             Now I'm in exotic dancing class. Yes that's actually a class in school. They teach dancing all types and yes I mean all types no one even knows I take the class.
              They play on low key by ally Brooke. Everyone begins to dance the routine with their partner.
               Just when I almost hit the awesome chorus . I hear a snap and then boom

           The chandelier snaps and comes crashing down. Now this is bad but what's worse is the fact I'm standing right underneath it.
               I want to run but my feet won't move . I watch as I my death falls to me.  Oh well goodbye world.
               Oh no you don't
                     I suddenly have the miraculous ability to move my own two legs again yay. I jump out of the way but almost not quickly enough as some parts of the chandelier glasses cut my arm on my way to safety.

          " Oh my God are you OK" someone yells from the crowd.
             I'm seriously beginning to hate that question. Does the glass embedded in my arm look OK. But not wanting to be rude I give the anonymous stupid question asker of smile.
            The instructor picked me up and took me to the nurse office again.
             The nurse gave me an annoyed look as I walked in there again for the second time. I don't Blame her I might do the same.
                   Having glass shards pulled out of your skin is painful especially having an annoyed nurse do it. But I'm a royal I heal faster. But they still have to get the shards out though so it won't heal along with my skin.
                 I'm scared and I knew it. I have heard of many royals die mysteriously on the throne. What if I'm next what if next time the person doesn't miss the knife throw

              I know am clumsy but nearly dying twice in one day that's a new record.
I'm clumsy not stupid .

           I think someone is trying to kill me.

Hello my Icicles hope you love the chapter the next chapters are going to be hot like on fire. So sorry for not updating yesterday I was sick . please comment on the book don't be a silent reader. Oh and please follow me on watt pad

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