15 4 0

It took me the entire school drive to explain to blizzard why I'm dressed like this .
He kept staring at me . At first it was funny now its just down right creepy kinda cute though. Blizzard and my entire family think I have completely list it. Not like I blame them . I would think that too I guess.
I think you lost it.
Hardy har har.

Wolf whistles, winks and smirks . Yep that's what I have been getting all day from guys.
From all corners!.
From girls I have been getting killer glares,leg traps,and set ups. But on the plus side I made tons of new friends who love me and follow me around. I got two new followers who are always walking with me at my back now like icicle.
             I know it sucks that these people care more about my net worth than my character but that's how high school works and it's kinda fun when someone gets your smoothie for you.
                 When I came in the school I heard Lot's of whispers about how I was trying to copy crystal. (Which was a freaking lie) . Why will I wanna Copy an idiot who smells like fish and has two left legs.
I'm rocking my own style here crystal looks like a makeup truck exploded on her face while I look like perfection..

                      "Hey". I looked up immediately thinking it was blizzard but to see an entirely different person.
"Hey beautiful" Winter said.
He's talking to me!!!!
I never thought I will use this expression but OMG!!!!!!!!!! .

            Winter my school's star boy is talking to me. Ok be cool icy don't scare him away.

             "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!" I screamed way too loud . I flipped my hair back to turn and looked at him which just happened to sack him in the eyes.
"I'm soooooo sorry" I said
"here let me he- ".
I sadly never got to finish that sentence because one of my unusually pointed elbows knocked a bottle of opened COLD water to his lap which spilled on his trousers down to his.......( I'm gonna stop there. ).
         "Ohhh I'm soooooo sorry".
He wanted to say hi to a girl not a circus clown. How do you even manage to do all that damage.
I started using my hand foolishly to wipe the top of this wet trousers.
           " Um Icy I think you should stop there u are kinda making things worse if you get what I mean".
I will say it again kill me now.

He said then groaned. I stood up and blushed furiously understanding where he was coming from. Damnit I'm such an idiot why I'm I such an idiot in front of him.
            "Come on I don't think your an idiot Icy I think you're cute". He says smirking at me.
I blush (for like the fifth time in the last three minutes) . Then I mentally face palm myself damnit how could I say that of loud.
           "I said that out loud didn't i didn't I ?" I ask sheepishly.
You also destroyed your non existent social life allowed as well.
"Yeah" he replies still smirking.
          "Look Winter I'm so sorry I'm not normally like well like ( I pointed at his trousers) this. Ok I am but usually I don't spill water on Hot guy's laps". I say.
Flattery will get you everywhere.
I didn't even know I said it out loud.
           "Oh so you find me attractive" .he asks smirking even more.
           " YES !!! I mean well um yeah whatever oh screw it aliens in Jupiter probably finds you attractive all the way from there". I practically blurt out.
            "Well yeah I know that but i only care about your opinion" he says sweetly . As expected I blush( boy I'm pathetic) . "Do u wanna go on a date with me" he asks.
Cue girly screaming.
Rewind and pause. The hottest guy in school is asking me out to go get some bait with him? .
             "Um what did you say" I ask again still not sure about this date thing.
I don't wanna be the idiot in McDonald's that's gonna get stood up.
            "I said do you wanna go on a date with me". He repeats.
Ohhhhhh that's what he said ahhhhhhh I girly scream in my mind. Um yeah sure when I ask sounding cool. Tonight at seven I will pick u up he says . Ok great see you then I smile. Bye babe and FYI you look so Hot today he says then leaves
OMG!!!!!!! Winter called me baby . ahhhhhhhhhhh


                Hey Blizzard you won't believe what happened this morning I say to him in the cafeteria.
                "Winter asked you out and you said yes" he says uninterested.
"No win- "I cut myself off
"How did you know" I ask. Well its headline on the school magazine
          "They are seriously calling me the " underated" princess, that's so lame" I yell.
He only shrugs.
"You don't seem very happy for me" I say sadly.
"How can I be! . Your going out with the first idiot that asks you out can't you see he's a player he's only with you because you're so freaking Hot right now any man will ask you out but you can't see that cause your actually hopelessly in love with him !! . He only wants you right now cause your wearing a shorter skirt ". He screams at me angrily.
Let me at em, let me at em.
I'm at the bridge of crying
        " Screw you blizzard!!"I scream at him then walk away.
I'm In the bathroom crying and feeling stupid . How could he say that to me ugh I hate him then I cry again on the floor. He made me feel so objectified.
" Um hey"
I here a voice .I look up
In front of me is a girl she looks quite odd instead of blue eyes she has green ones and bright red hair oddly enough she's obviously not from uncletartica maybe she's a transfer student.
The first thing I notice is her skin isn't as pale and white as us. Hers is weirdly darker kind of um what's that word again...... Oh yes tanned.
Um what's that word again oh yes shut up!.
"Um I heard what you said and yeah he's an idiot". She says .
" But I know how to make you feel better" she says smiling.
"How and what's your name" I ask
"I'm blaze from volcanictopia ..... And for how I'm making you feel better well one words

Water balloons "

"One, thats two words and two... Do I look twelve" I ask.
"No these are balls filled with liquid acids that when dropped to a person it can change their hair colour" She Says.
"You want us to act like twelve year olds and drop glorified hair dyes to random people " I ask.
"Not just random people. I mean teachers In the teachers lab". She replies.
She's crazy and we can probably end up in jail but oh what the heck.
" Count me in".
I know what will cheer you up let's go drop water balloons on idiots in the hallway we can fill it with lime water it has a reaction to the eye and its more fun when they scream she says.
I get up and smile I think we would be great friends let's go

Hi bitchesssssssss what's up sorry for the slow updates but its ok I'm not dead stop worrying it was school but I'm on holiday and I will update really fast now. So I wanna do a publicity stunt so tell your friends classmates, enemies, frenemies , the person you like, the person you hate tell everyone about ice kingdom and read this chapter in your room with the AC on cold and a frozen tub of ice cream by your side byeeeeeeeeeee. Oh and I will put out a pick of blaze later

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