Powerless, completely powerless

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           Today's the best day ever.......NOT!. My best friend practically called me a slut, Icicle has been bitching about someone all day and my FEET ARE KILLING ME!.
        Note to self:Next time I wanna make an outfit statement never wear five inch heels.
          The only good thing about today is the fact I made a friend. Well she's technically not normal *insert eyeroll* . She's from our neighbouring kingdom Volcanictopia I know stupid name right. 
                 Oh well she has fire powers . I was like "oh my God can you throw a fireball at my aunt silver ridiculous collection of frozen dragon venoms. It doesn't matter if you hit her along either" . ok I didn't mean the last part and you can't harm my aunt anyway but hey a girl can hope.
                Its not fair!!! In volcanictopia everyone has powers( some more than others) but here thanks to my stupid great relative all I can do is build a FUCKING SNOWMAN!. I mean come on what I'm I Elsa. Well at least that's what I taught until I figured out I can control peoples mind.
                "So that's what has been happening to me" I finish. I just told blaze everything from snowfall killing everyone to me eating ice pops for breakfast to me being hunted by snowfall . i didn't tell her about my powers though. I can't just trust her with that.
             " Hold on what are icepops" Blaze finally says
                  " I just told you how the ghost of my psychotic aunt wants to kick my ass and your first question is what are ice pops. THEY ARE A FREAKING CEREAL BRAND!" . Forgive me for yelling at you new friend but seriously ice pops
            " OK OK I get if. Look its pretty obvious all you have to do is get the other half of that freak show's bracelet. Seriously the ice history is messed up girl" Blaze flips her red hair in my face for no particular reason.
             " . First its a necklace. You want me to journey across the ice kingdom to find the other half of a stupid Necklace  and restore power to uncletartica......... What I'm I MOANA !!!!" . I yell this girl is even crazier than she looks.
              " well when you think about it this sounds just like moana in a way. Look your the next heir to the throne. Do it for your people" she nudges me well more like shoves her pointy elbows into my innocent ribs.
              " I'm pretty sure thats why I won't do it. If I die who will rule icicle ... She will turn the ice kingdom into one giant tea party." I shiver at the thought.
               "Okayyyy do it for yourself then. You said whenever someone enters the throne they don't last up to twenty years before they mysteriously die. So do it so you won't mysteriously die " She whispers the last part.
               "Ok 1. You should totally go to law school . 2. I can't do this alone hell I can barely walk two steps without a chandelier crashing on my head " I groan out loud.
                "Ok then I will come with you to help you and protect you from unsuspecting chandeliers" . I shoot up . literally  . " Hold on you wanna help me save the world we met like two hours ago" . Is she high on sugar or something.
             " look I'm just like you well kinda my parents aren't royalty we are more of friends with royalty. We get invited to all their events and I always have to act proper and charming and punctual. If I don't I become a disappointment to my family but that's not me . I just wanna be me I don't wanna be attending balls for the rest of my life I wanna do what people my age do I wanna drive an actual car above speed limit ,get wasted in a club , become the DJ I really wanna be or photographer thats why I took the exchange students exam if I can survive the year and get a job or prove I'm independent or something maybe my parents will finally loosen the chain a bit . and what better way to do that than to help a friend save the world" Her eyes glisten when she finishes
           "Aww shucks that was so sweet.  Who knew you had it in you" I smiled . well I did the impossible I made an actual friend that's a girl. 
After school I finally get home . all I wanna do is take a nap a looong ass nap. I open my door and step in throwing my bag anywhere then I see a person in front of me . Well disadvantages of having a ghost hunt you. You tend to think everyone else is a ghost. 
     " BLOODY MURDERER!!!!" I scream but I'm cut off as the person puts its hand on my mouth and pins me to a wall          " relax relax its me blizzard "  he holds his hands up in surrender.
               " listen before you kick me out princess I'm sorry I acted really dumb today I really didn't mean i- " I cut him of jumping in his arms hugging him . He is taken by surprise at first but hugs me back we stay like that for a while until I realise if anyone comes in right now it won't be a great position e look like we are in. I look up to push him a way and damn " he's hot"  my subconscious points out. "Zip it hoe "I retort .She's right though how come I never noticed how hot he is till now. Hold on no this is wrong this is my best friend. I gently push him away.
                His eyes widen but he quickly cleats his throat " So how was your day" he asks.
            I feel him in on me and blaze plan to save the world.
         '' hold on I was gone for three hours and you made friends with some fire breathing dragon" He yells
          " who you calling fire breathing " a voice says from my window. We quickly rush down to see blaze trying to lift herself into my room. We pull her in.
              " why can't any of my friend use a door like a normal person and how did you find my house? " I ask curious.
            She gave me a duh look.     " you live in a castle girl everyone knows your house. I'm guessing he is the popular refrigerator guy at school " she gestures to blizzard.  Yeah blizzard is pretty popular he is the hockey captain in school winter is also on the team.
            " And I'm guessing your the walking popcorn machine " blizzard sizes her up.
     "Excuse me" blaze yells red faced.
                 Uh oh
      "Oh I'm sorry I meant your the breathing microwave" he adds. I better stop this before they melt each other with their glares.  "Okayyyyyy let's stop the glares we are working together here" I yell thankfully getting their attention.
                   " I'm coming with you in this crazy plan of yours obviously. I prefer you alive than dead princess" He says squezzing my hand.
            I blush deep pink. Blaze fake barfs " Are you guys like an item or something " she asks .
         "NOOOOO" we yell at the sane time . For some reason my heart stung when he said no .
            We continue discussing the plan and we decide to leave in a week . " Why not three days the faster the better right? " Blaze asks while eating chocolate cookies.
        " I have a date with winter remember " I remind her.
          " oh sure put of saving the world to hang out with him . I gotta go princess bye"  He starts walking to the window. "Blizzard its not like that" I yell.
         "Its ok princess I'm not mad. I got shit to do bye loser" he waves at blaze. 
          "See ya" she replies.
     Once his gone she turns and whispers " you know his jealous right"
      "He isn't " I respond.
    She signs "clueless and useless" she mutters . I roll me eyes.


            Hi guys its been a while major writers block sorry guys but I'm back with a bang 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😍. Love y'all follow me and comments and also click on the little star don't be a silent reader

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