Sandwiches and spray cans

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            Life is a bliss ...... NOT! . I nearly died today I'm paranoid right now .
I decide to ditch school and take a half day. Mostly because there's a glass stuck in my arm.
             I nearly jumped for joy when i saw the castle. I didn't want to answer aunt silver questions so I had to walk instead of getting a driver.
             I quickly entered my room and took a long shower . After the shower I was calmer and I managed to convince myself that what happened in school today was just a coincidence and no one is trying to kill me . For the sake of my mental health I would rather believe this theory.
           I laugh at that point why will anyone try to kill me I am a complete angel.
      Does she ever take a break.
I mean just because I'm the next queen and I have lots of enemies and I sometimes play practical jokes on people is no reason to kill me.  Ugh I need a cold shower right now. I'm thinking way too much.
             My room is awfully horror movie quiet. I almost can here myself breathe. It looked oddly grey and darker than normal. I'm beginning to regret watching that horror movie last night. I want my mommy.
          Ugh pull yourself together Icy. I quickly take that shower and my door just chose to make an odd creaking sound. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I really hope I'm just imagining all this.
I finally get out of the shower. The room looked even darker now OK. I'm gonna just go now before I get a heart attack.
                After leaving my room. Fully dressed. I head on downstairs. I don't even notice any guard in the hallway. Are they all on break or what.
             I head downstairs to get lunch as soon as I step out of the room. My door slams itself shut yep you read write it slams itself SHUT!!! . I instantly feel cold . I turn back to look at the door it's normal ,dull, lifeless. It looked like it didn't nearly cause me a heart attack. OK icy chill relax it must have been the wind . I just hope the wind brw so hard it shut down a very heavy wooden door.
        Wait a minute why I'm I so freaked out by a door and the wind.
           I finally get to the kitchen alive (not like I would have gotten there dead* insert nervous laughter). Ok so you got me I'm a nervous joker. I make dumb jokes when I'm freaked out. Sue me.
            I make a Nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Most people will find this weird but I also add gummy worms to it just for the fun. I just got a great idea.
    Finally we are making progress.
         And she's back.
     Since its my sandwich I'm gonna add whatever I want on it . I open the fridge and start grabbing out anything I see. Leftover chicken, bacon,mayonnaise, canned beef,gummy bears,more mayonnaise, chocolate kisses, chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies, maggot cheese,toothpaste.
         Okay just kidding on the last one anyway I grab some bread and start pilling stuff on it.
       In the middle of breaking the world record of the worst cook ever I hear a hissing sound coming from the wreck room.
             Yep I have a wreck room but its not for wrecking things. I know crazy right. Since aunt silver turned it to a as she calls it "a princess meditation room" . I know it's ridiculous how my once awesome game house filled with the coolest games is now a pillow filled, bright pink painted, Glorified Yoga spot.
    I miss the good ole days where Ten year old me comes here to play crazy arcade games and walk all day in my giant life size replica of barbie dream house.

            As I enter the yoga room scream. OK I'm being honest I didn't scream I just let out a highly embarrassing icicle like shriek .
          On the wall is a spray can. Now before you go calling me a drama queen. Keep reading. I know that's normal but here is the unnormal part it's moving and spraying words by IT'S SELF .
                Like with no one controlling it then the can stops spraying by itself and moves back as if admiring its masterpiece . Someone pinch me.
          Just fucking pinch me.
             It seems to not even notice my presence . Which I'm grateful for though . What would I say to it if it did. Hi spray can?.
             I try hard to stay still and not scream but I fail woefully do you blame me who can stay still when a spray can is spraying words on your wall by itself !! I end up letting out an annoying scream of pure straight and fresh out of the oven terror !
              The can which is now floating and for a split second I see a faint outline of a ghost like person holding it .
            Oh shit.

Hey guys sorry it took such a long time to update but I have been really really sick with the flu and I also managed to get malaria. Yippy nope not at all any hoo I hope you loved the chapter please read and comment. Don't be a silent reader I am starting to get discouraged...................... OK not really but please read those of you who just started writing on wattpad know what I'm talking about its super hard at the beginning and I need you guys support because I know I am a good writer I just want everyone to know as well
Any way guess what we hit 76 reads 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 . I know its small but this is just the beginning my target for now is to hit 100 reads I know we can do it together . Go wattpadnians woooooooo
Now imagine I was a blonde with blue eyes wearing a cheerleaders outfit with pink pompoms saying that . The next chapter is gonna be on fire who do you think sprayed the paint and what was written comment your answers.
Question for the chapter chocolate or strawberry ice cream which one is better comment your answers
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my ice stars see ya soon

Written by

Rhema the rockstar


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