Finding the truth.

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I could fill my head stitching back together. Perks of being an ice creature. It takes longer for the head though.
Shorter cause you don't have brains.
Even at the brink of death my subconscious won't just shut up.
"Ughhh what happened"
I turned around to see storm with his wind pipes surprisingly stitched up. His veins were in a normal colour now.
"A ghost crushed your windpipes so you won't tell me my powers" . I answered helping him sit.
"Way to sound cheerful about Icy" .He groaned
I laughed at this. "Sorry. Are you ok now. I thought you where dead"
He gave me a look" it takes way more than that to kill a magician ".
Rub it in old man.
" yeah that what she told me. She also told me I have powers and my fighting sucks before she ripped my head open".
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Icy ". He says sadly.
" Nah . I protected myself just fine ". I assure him.
He raises his eyebrow. "Really".
" Nah I'm just kidding she kicked my ass hard" I yell.
"Now tell me the truth. What power do I magically have now"
"Ok its a long story. The only logical reason a person can survive mind control is for the person to have the same power.
You know the story. One good twin and one evil twin right. Well it went a lot deeper than that. History left out one tiny important detail both twins twins were blessed with magic. They brought magic to uncletartica. Sure the rest of the ice kingdom had powers at that time but uncletartica was left out. King Arctic was even worried why no one was born with magic in his kingdom well until the twins were born. Snowflake was blessed with the power of ice. Her magic was beautiful. She could sculpt great things. She could turn water into ice. She could make great weapons of ice. She could rise mountains and castles at the snap of a finger.
Her father was proud of her he hired great masters of ice from across the ice kingdom to teach her even more of her powers. Meanwhile snowfall had powers too. Mind powers. Prophecy. She could look into a persons eyes and know their past and what the future holds for them. Her power although good was kind of less impressive compared to snowflake.
No one knew though she had a second power. Mind controlling. And the greatest anyone has seen in the world. She can control a persons mind for years making them do whatever she wants. She can turn her enemies against themselves. She can .... Kill them. If she shoves hard into their brain she can kill them. She could look into memories and hidden thoughts.
I feel that king arctic might have found out about her power after she did something horrible. He must have kept her secret hidden but decided not to crown her Queen. But I don't understand how you have her powers unless ...... She had a child. Some sources rumored that she was last seen in the first ice brother kingdom then she did appeared. There's a possibility she had a child there and that child somehow ended up here as a royal in uncletartica".
He finishes. I look at him incredulously that was some bed time story you know. "So your saying what, I'm one of Snowfox descendants..... WHAT IS THIS DISNEY!!. None of thus is possible. How does a person have a child in one country and it somehow ends up here as a ROYAL. And hold on if I'm Really Snowfox descendant and I have this power shouldn't icicle have it too" . This whole thing is freaking me out.
" It doesn't always work that way. Yes powers are greatly influenced by family lineage but that doesn't mean if your ancestors have powers you are guaranteed to have too. But it is likely she might have it too".
"How do we know for sure?" I ask.
"Well only you can tell me that. A mind controller can find out if another persons a mind reader by reaching into their minds. If the person responds or feel your pull his a mind reader if he doesn't he isn't" He replies.
"So you want me to-"
"Reach in icicles mind yes". He says cutting me off.
" Gross " I yell.
I don't even wanna imagine what's in there.
Not much I guess
I did not say that. But I totally thought of it.
"Oh come on icy. If it turns out icicle has your power she can be helpful in us defeating snowfall" . He says .
Icicle and helpful shouldn't be in the same sentence.
"Alright fine. How do I do it"
"Yay" . He smiles happily.
"Ok now close your eyes"
I close them. "Think about icicle". He says. I can here his voice all around me. I picture icicle. Her perfect hair and makeup and her annoying clicking heels and her ear scratching voice.
" OK now feel for her in your head. Try to reach in her mind drag yourself into her thoughts"
I feel calm. I concentrate squinting trying to reach through her dumb extensions. I concentrate. I concentrate anddddd .......

I open my eyes"it didn't work ". I flop on a chair.
" This is advanced mind magic normally you have to look in the persons eyes for beginners but this is more advanced. Try again but this time actually feel her concentrate unite with her mind.
I close my eyes again. I take a deep breath and feel for her. Suddenly the room melts away and I'm in a bright pink weird place .
Her brain is pink shocker.
I move around until I start hearing voices in her head.
They are called thoughts.
What would I do without my captain obvious.
I hear the voices again.

"I can't Believe My latest channel outfit hasn't been here yet!. I am soo living a bad online comment for this".
Three seconds here and I already wanna barf.
" I can't Believe icy wore garbage to school she's embarrassing her entire family in this trash. I can't Believe she's the next in line oh well when the kingdom collapses under her unfashionable hands I will be here to save it."
How putting it In a Gucci purse.
I glare at her brain cells but the voice continues.
"She's such a loser beyond repair. Her outfits are more boring than physics class perks of being a loser I guess".
If I hear one more talk about me being a loser I would kick her brain cells. She should have noticed I'm here by now.
Oh well I guess she doesn't have the power of Snowfox. All I keep hearing are dumb thoughts.
" I love Justin bieber"
Get me out of this nightmare. I pull myself from her head.
Only to meet storm skilling at me" so does she have it" he asked
"Nope" I answer.
"I thought so" he yells.
"So what are we gonna do about the psychotic bitch bent in haunting my ass of" I say.
"First its not we it you" he says. I Gasps in shock.
" But-
"No buts icy I can't help. I don't know much about mind controlling . I can't train you as you need to be. I have to find someone who does"
"No I can't do this alone. I don't even want to do it at all. " I yell in frustration.
"Its ok I will find a good mentor he will train you. Jessy you are the only one that can save the ice kingdom now from falling". He says.
The ice kingdom falling, stopping uncletartica from being destroyed and controlling a psychotic botch from killing everyone royal all rest in the hands of an 18 year old thats incapable of making her own sandwich. No pressures Right.

Hey y'all sorry for not updating for such a long time please forgive me😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞 . I don't really have a good excuse but it was either I was really busy or really lazy sorry anyway I hope u enjoy the chapter

Question of the chapter - For all Nickelodeon fans who do you think silver should end up with in the noobees

Team David
Team matt

Bye my icicles until next time love y'all😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😁😀😀😀😀😊😊☺☺☺😄😄😃😃💓💓💓💓💓💓💞💞💞💞💞💟💟💟💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💟💟💟💝💝💞💞💓💕💕💖💖
Thanks for reading guys your the best
( yeah I know I love emoji!!!!)

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