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            Three days later..

          Being bored is the worst. Its been three days since I found out there's a psychotic bitch after me and I have her powers. You know when something like that happens to you, you feel like your life is just gonna get a whole lot interesting for there well you FELT wrong. Its been three days and there's still no news about anyone who knows anything about mind control. Storm told me mist people don't know it even exists.
               I'm frustrated waiting here. I don't exactly want to jump at the chance to fight some crazy chick but if I don't she can actually kill us all. School was completely uninteresting today well at least no one threw knifes at me. Except the fact crystal who just chose today as a good day to stand in front of my locker and make out with winter. Just so I can see that his with her.
            I was all like bitch what the fuck. Oh well I gave her a little pay back though . Luckily I wore a skirt that was at my mid thigh. I let my hair fall and strutted past them not before winning at winter.  
                   Two can play at that game BITCH. Seeing them together sucks though I mean come on what does she have that I don't.
      Zip it.
           I just you know want to know what it feels for someone to love and adore you but at last I'm part of the single from birth club. It doesn't completely suck too no boys no heartbreaks. Ok that sounded dumb.
                       * * * *
                   Seven hours later
             A stone comes flying straight at me missing my head by two inches and crashing on my glass lamp which shatters into a million pieces . oh well I never really liked the lamp anyway it was pink ughhh. I shiver in disgust but still who's the giant idiot with two left hands that throws a stone through my window I know I don't look act or think like a princess but I still I'm one so respect me !!.
                  I match up to my window only to narrowly miss another stone but I duck in time I look down to see its blizzard I smile I don't knowledge how he always show up right when I need him the most . I throw down a rope "CLIMB ABOARD!!!"
I yell he looks at me like I'm crazy but shrugs and climbs up
                        "You could have ju-" he starts but I throw my hands around and hug him he immediately hugs me back.
               Call me sentimental I just fought of a ghost with my mind. I deserve a hug bitches.

          "Princess what's wrong" he asks worriedly.
       " I can't tell you you won't believe me ".I say in a shaking voice .
           I ain't even kidding if someone told me they gave mind control powers I would recommend an asylum. But look at me now people.
            He pulls back and holds my hands . "Princess you once told me you saw a flying horse in your wreck room and I believed you without asking questions. Well you where five though but still there's nothing you can tell me that can beat that". He smiles.

                            1 hour later
                " I take it back this totally beats the Pegasus thing" He yells.
            I tried to warn yeah buddy. It feels so good to tell someone even if it means he might take me to therapy.
            "Hold your saying that a dead queen from a thousand years ago broke in and vandalised a glorified yoga room in your house. Then she tried to kill you using her mind . Then she crushed storm's windpipes , Then she beat the crap out of you then left after telling you your fighting sucks". He says staring in bewilderment.
                 " Well that's a much shorter way to explain it compared to my one hour explanation ".
      " Soooooo..... There's this doctor I kn-"
        "I'M NOT CRAZY". I yell cutting him off.
             " OK OK... I believe you. You have never lied you me before and there's not a reason you would lie to me about this icy". I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.
            "Thank you" I smile and hug the giant baby in front of me.
           "Its OK princess". He wraps his arms around me. I inhale his sweet apple cider smell .Mmmhm so good.
        " Um princess. I love you but your drooling on my sweater" Blizzard says.
              I jump up from him so fast he burst into giggles.
               "Thanks for being here with me. Can you stay till I fall asleep". I give him my puppy eyes that always works.
           "I will spend the night" . He says and I give him a big wet thank you. OK that sounded gross .
              "Goodnight blizz".
          " Goodnight princess"  . I wrap mysrlf in his apple cider scented sweater and soon fall asleep.  
                         Blizzard POV
                   Finally she's asleep I sign .
               She's such an angel my angel I have always loved icy more than a best friend should have but I couldn't help it I always call her princess because she's my princess.
               I won't call myself a stalker but I definitely stalk her sometimes at school. To see who she's hanging out with . I protect her and care for her but it sucks she has that stupid crush on that even stupider Child, winter. Why can't she just understand she's mine. MINE!.
               I almost didn't want her to let go of me when she hugged me earlier. I didn't push her away a bit because she was drooling on my sweater. Well she was but it was king of cute. I asked her to let go because not so little blizzard was getting a little too excited.
            The things she can do to me.
                   I love her so much but she doesn't have the slightest clue.   I don't want to lose her if I tell her she might get mad and leave me and I don't want that to happen so I rather hide my feelings but I don't know for how long I will keep leaving like this I look at my angel once again curled up facing my chest I put an arm around her waist for her its worth it .
            Yep definitely worth it. One day she will find out though. But for now I'm just gonna help her get rid of that ghost. 
             I kiss her forehead  I'm with her till the end. Because she's mine. Now and forever. All mine.
                     Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys what's up I missed u all so much hope you love the chapter

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