Its blizzard. Right?

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       Icy POV.

        " ......... I'm sorry princess". That voice it sounds so much like blizzard. I can clearly hear it. If its him that means that blizzard is in love with me. How is that even possible.
             Are you by any chance blind.
                  Well I can't exactly open my eyes right now. I don't know why I'm so happy and bubbly inside to hear him say that he loves me.
               Oh here's a hint, YOU LOVE HIM TOO!.
                Good point. What do I do now. I mean I like him he likes me. Should I just tell him that I heard everything when I finally have the super power to open my eyes.
             NO!. Are you crazy. That will look way too desperate. Let him tell you by himself. He will have eventually.
              Yeah your right. I should just relax.
          Pretty soon I got sleepy.


Two hours later.

               Two hours later I woke up to see a white room. Everything was white and smelled like mouthwash. Ugh where I'm I.
              "Oh my God princess, Your awake. Pls don't ever scare me like that". Blizzard yelled hugging me.
             I looked at him closely. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. I immediately start to feel bad. Its my fault he looks like the one that should be on the hospital bed.
              " Oh thank goodness your awake. I was so tired staying in these mediocre hospitals. What were you thinking taking a single drop of alcohol. Do you know how this makes us look". Aunt silver screeched.
            I groaned feeling my head pounding. Is she seriously gonna scold me.... In a hospital bed!.
                 "Mrs silver please maybe we can scold her later . Right now let's just be happy she's alive." I turned towards the voice to see blaze walking over to me giving me a hug.
                Awwwwww. "Thank you guys so much for being here with me when I made the stupidest decision in my life". I smile happily at them. I love my friends.
            Especially blizzard huh?.
        Get your kinky ass out of here.
          " How long have I been here". I ask looking at blizzard.
            "Two days".
               "Yep two whole days with mediocre equipment. Oh the horror". Aunt silver cried.
          Geez and I thought icicle was dramatic.
            " How's the castle". I ask aunt silver.
                Her face immediately drop and I hold my breath for the worst. " The castle garden caught on fire. Lives where lost. ".
             My world stopped. I loved that Garden. It was enchanted literally. It was a place of wonders. How could it have even caught on fire.
               " Before you say anything I didn't do it. I wasn't even in the kingdom on that day" Blaze says. Holding up her hands.
              "How many people died aunt silver". I asked her expecting the worst.
                   "Thirty guards. Including the head of guards. We have already conducted the burial and visited the families. Here's the creepy part. I go to the garden every afternoon but the day of the fire as I was about to go I got word of a meeting happening. So I couldn't go to the garden. That same day the fire occurred. If I had gone I would have been dead . And here is the even creepier part. It was a false alarm there was no meeting. I just walked into an empty room". Aunt silver finished shaking.

            Oh no. That fire it wasn't to kill the guards or destroy the enchanted garden. It was meant to kill.... My aunt.
            My eyes widen in terror . Snowfox isn't after just me. She's after my entire family. She wants to kill us all.
               I glance at blizzard and he subtly nods at me. He's thinking the same thing. That bitch wants to haunt my sorry ass into extinction. She knew exactly what to use.
        The one word everyone hates.
        The one thing we can't heal from.
                Put a nuclear bomb in my room and my body will patch itself together but burn me with a match stick and the scar will remain there. Its almost impossible to heal from a burn. Some say we can but very very slowly. I doubt it. It melts our internal organs till its nothing.
              Though I'm not scared of it. My best friend has fire powers anyway. Soooo. I just don't like what it can do.
                   Screw this. We have to leave now and find the abominable snowman so he can teach me about my powers so I can defeat Snowfox.
                Damn, three weeks ago I would have never thought I would say that sentence.
                The a fifty year old looking bald guy who I assume is the doctor came in.
            " How are you feeling your highness" . He asked after greeting aunt silver.
              "I feel a lot better" I answer. I actually just need to get home.
             "Well yes you look better too".
         I heard a deep growl from blizzard.
              " You can get discharged but I will need a guardians signature "He said looking at aunt silver.
            " Fine. Let's get this over with ". She said and they both left the room.
                    As soon as the door closed I turned to the guys. " Guys that fire was planned by snowfall to kill aunt silver. She isn't just after me. She's after my entire family. We need to find the abominable snowman now".
                "Storm gave us his exact location. We need to leave for Icelandic soon. If we want to survive". Blaze whispers.
                  " Will leave tomorrow night. But we got a problem. How are we gonna distract  your aunt silver and who's gonna protect icicle and your aunt in case Snowfox decides to kill try and kill them". Blizzard says holding my hands.
                I didn't think about that.
        You didn't think about anything..
               "My aunt silver is going to a ball in the seventh ice kingdom. She will be there for two weeks. And we can ask storm to protect icicle". I guess paying attention to family dinners pays off.
               Even your good ideas sound dumb.
               That's funny cause I don't see you coning up with great ideas.
            " OK so its settled we will leave tomorrow night".


        We finally arrived at the castle when I got discharged. We dropped of blaze but blizzard insisted to spend the night.
                We decided to take the elevator to visit storm. And ask him to watch icicle and our kingdom.
              Yes you heard me we took the elevator again.
              "I'm so happy seeing you alive. I almost lost it when I saw you all drugged up with that bastard. I'm never letting you go again." He hugged me tightly. Crushing my frail body in his arms.
                 "That reminds me what did happen to winter". I asked the question I should have probably asked two hours ago.

              His eyes darkened at the mention of Winter's name. " Trust me you do not want to know princess".
               Yep his right I don't really want to find out. But deep down I know winter would probably never hurt me again. But I doubt blizzard killed him though.
             We finally arrived at storm place and he was already waiting for us.
            Perks of being a psychic.
                  "I saw you coming. Your leaving for Icelandic tomorrow right. I wish you success on your journey". He said holding our hands.
             " actually we wanted to ask you if you can watch icicle and the kingdom while we are gone" . I stepped back.

             "I'm the only magician in a thousand years and you want me to babysit!!!. Icicle is more than a handful". He yells.
              " I know but.....  Aunt silver was almost killed, I was almost killed next Snowfox would target is obviously icicle so I need you to protect her. Please". I gave him a really heartbreaking look.
            "Fine I will babysit. But you better be back soon. "
        "Yes . Thank you. "I yelled hugging him. He laughed.
            " Go get a goodnight sleep tomorrow is a big day".

             We said our good byes and blizzard and I headed to my room. Waiting for the day that will change our lives.


              Somewhere in the castle lurking behind the shadows. A grey eyed ghost smirked. Hearing everything.

                      Hiiiiiiiii my beautiful icicles. Lovely chapter I'm I right. Pls vote and comment. Plsssssssszss.

Love you


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