Chapter 1(sunshine in a refrigerator)

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I'm so sorry for not updating soon and no am not dead if you're wondering please vote and comment on the chapter . Bye love y'all

I'm walking on sunshine
Oh oh oh oh
I'm walking on sunshine
Oh oh oh oh
It is time to feel good
Alright now
It's is time to feel good

"ICY GLACIER FREEZE DAY !!!!!! Stop screaming this minute." I sign . Her voice is even louder than my singing

  " I am not screaming I'm singing LOUDLY!" I yell at my aunt.
                Call me crazy

         Ugh! Grunts entering my not so princessy room
            "How can you even sing I'm walking on Sunshine we basically live in a refrigerator" She gave me her infamous look
          I swear I need to rent an apartment
              "Its none of your business what i scr..I mean sing and shouldn't you be kissing babies or some thing".
            I quoted a tropical Disney movie ..... sue me
              "We don't knit sweaters we are ice creatures and why can't you be more like you're sister icicle."
              Aaaaaaand there it is her favourite line. I swear this is the third time she's telling me this and its 8am!!!
              Icicle is my overdramatic queen bee-ish 16 year old sister. She's is a princess and tryst me she takes that role very seriously. Always punctual and a perfect drama queen.
                 I'm not jealous or anything but I'm sick of people telling me to be like her . I don't wanna be like her I wanna be like me. That girl will freak out if there's a red stain on her red dress. The fake ever smiling role of a major conniving bitch just isn't me. But tell that to my aunt

            "When are you going to start acting like the heir to the thrown and not some common teenager" my aunt silver says angrily.
              "When you get a spa treatment you look ho-ri-ble "I say while snapping my fingers in a dramatic way.

         "You are so- ground- ed "she says imitating me.
             I let out a groan why can't she just not ground me . I'm a sweet angel.... NOT
                 "But aunt today is north party if I don't go I will be like such a horrible friend" i say pouting .
           " No you are not going and don't you dare sneak out I'm putting double guards today icy" she declares with a tone of finality .

               And there goes my chance of escape. If your wondering yes I have snuck out to a party before. I have to live my life out some way
            "Ugh I will officially be dead tomorrow !" I yell.
             As annoying as that sounds I'm not even joking north can actually kill me.
       " You are so dramatic 'she says

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh  who has my TIARA!!!!!!!! Icicle screams from downstairs .Yup you heard me from DOWNSTAIRS ! . Damn that girl has got one heck of a voice.
               "And you call me dramatic "
               She rolls her eyes
"At least she's dramatic for a good cause. Now meet me downstairs. And wear something nice this time"
                   Is it just me or did she just lowkey body shame me
               "Where some thing nice" I mimic her .
              They want some thing nice I will give them some thing nice. This is what I come up with

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