Chapter 1

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I waltz down the old stairs of the abandoned storm cellar in the middle of the woods with two of my friends, Tammy and Eric.

"C-C'mon y/n." Tammy quivers. "I think we've gone far enough."

"Aw, is wittle Tammy-whammy scared of a few stairs?" I mock her and Eric giggles with me. Tammy punches Eric in the shoulder and Eric retreats back, knocking an old pot off a close by shelf. The pot falls to the stone stairs and shatters. Tammy jumps from the noise and I do slightly as well. We go silent and Eric's face goes pale. I shine my phone light at him and he shields his eyes, nearly falling back down the stairs.

"What the fuck Eric." I hiss. "This is why I take Seth instead of you."

"Well thanks, that's really assuring." He argues sarcastically.

"Guys." Tammy whispers.

"At least he knows how to be quiet and note break antique pots!" I yell.

"Well at least I know how to do your maths homework!"


"What does you doing my maths homework have to do with you messing up another adventure!?"


"Shut up Tammy!" I yell.

"Eyes!" She squeals and points to the bottom of the cellar. Eric and I pause our argument and look in the direction that Tammy's pointing and we do indeed see two white circles that look like eyes. I shine my light at them and nothing's there.

"Tammy, you're being stupid." I chuckle. "Come on, let's get to the bottom. The stairs can't be that long." We continue walking in silence until we finally see the bottom of the stairs. Eric jumps off the third step onto the concrete floor and instantly slips over on some strange liquid. I burst out laughing and Tammy freaks out. She runs down the stairs and carefully steps around the liquid on the floor to help Eric. Eric sits up and glares at me through the light. I make my way down the stairs and don't make the same mistake as Eric. I see a small chain hanging from the roof andI pull it down. A small light bulb hanging in the middle of the room flickers on and my blood runs cold. The voices of Tammy and Eric fade away behind me as I stare across the room at a figure in the corner. It's head is dropped down, hair covering it's face and it's body twitches every so often. I step back and feel around to tap one of my friends on the shoulder.

"y/n what the fuck is that." Eric says with an almost quivering voice.

"Looks like we invaded the space of, thing." I whisper.

"Well, let's get out before it invades our space." Tammy pleads.

"Hello?" I say loudly followed by angry hisses and insults from Tammy and Eric. "Uh, we're sorry for invading like this. We're just, you know, a few teens looking for adventure. We'll be leaving now." I move my hand subtly signalling Eric and Tammy to get up and slowly go back up the stairs. They stand up and the person slowly starts to raise it's head. One of its huge, bloodshot eyes peeks through its long black hair. It takes a small, shaky step forward and I turn and push Eric up the stairs. "Go, go! Hurry up!" I yell. I look back at the thing before it's out of sight and it suddenly pounces over a table in the middle of the room, running after us.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Eric cries as he runs up the stairs. As we reach near the top, Tammy trips on the shattered ceramics and trips up me and Eric with her. I scramble to my feet and so does Eric. But as Eric stood up, he accidentally pushes Tammy slightly further down the stairs. The creature suddenly lunges up from the darkness and grabs Tammy's foot dragging her back down. Suddenly, Tammy disappears into the black and everything goes quiet. "Tammy!" Eric yells. But there was no reply. "Y/n, go get help, I'm going down to find Tammy."


"Go, get away!" He shouts and makes his way back into the dark. I take no time and take off into the woods in one direction.


(Will delete this message soon) So this is my edited version of this book. I hope you enjoyed it. :)

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