Chapter 4

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Jack finishes patching me up and sends me out immediately. I don't disobey and he slams the door behind me. Moody bitch, I think to myself.

"Y/n." A voice sounds from down the stairs. I look down and see Slender standing there with two people by his side. "Come here please." I slowly make my way down the stairs and am face to face with two of my previous attackers. The hooded man and the masked man. "Y/n, this is Masky and Hoodie." Makes sense. "They'll give you a tour and show you a room. You'll be staying here a while."


"The house is covered in a protective shield to keep you in, so don't try." He threatens. I roll my eyes and look to the two people who have been assigned my tour guides. Slender turns and walks away, leaving the three of us alone. Hoodie looks to Masky and nods towards me. Masky nods in response. At this point, I notice the slight uncomfortable position Masky's in. His leg is lifted slightly off the floor and it makes him slightly off balance.

"I'm sorry about before." He says, which surprises me.

"Oh, ok. Cool."

"So, who've you met so far?" He asks.

"Uh, Jack, Ben, you two." I list slowly.

"Ok." He looks to Hoodie and Hoodie looks upstairs. "Right. Upstairs." He turns me around and we travel back up the endless staircase. Masky takes a while from the gunshot wound in his leg but we make it. We reach the top as Jack is leaving the room. "Oh, Jack. Masky limps over. Do you think you can do some of my list today?"

"Pfft. What do I look like, a slave?" Jack exclaims. "I fixed your leg, that should be enough."

"No, I can't stalk with a bad leg."

"Then get your 'boyfriend' to do it." He mocks. Jack pushes Masky's shoulder slightly making him growl as he shoves past me and disappears into the room next to the original one.

"Son of a bitch." Masky mumbles. "Next time you see him, put a bullet in his foot." Hoodie nods. "On with the tour." Masky groans. "Those doors are Jacks. Go in and be prepared to die."

"Roger." I reply.

He walks me down to the next few doors and names them. "That's Jeff's room. Stay away." The door is covered in slash marks and blood. "That's Jane and Sally's." This door has a small drawing of two stick figure girls, one wearing black labeled Jane, and another wearing pink labeled Sally. I smile. "This is the other Jack's room." The door has black and white stripes lining it horizontally.

"Two Jacks?"

"Yeah. The salty one is Eyeless Jack, or EJ. And the fun one is Laughing Jack, or LJ."

"I see."

He moves to the next door. "This is Hoodie's room." It's just a plain black door. "This is mine." The door is also plain and black. "And this is yours. You can go inside later. Let's continue." Ok then. "Ben's room," the door is green and has painted video game signals on it, "Toby's." Another black door. "And the bathroom."


"The door at the end of the hall is prohibited. Kitchen, living room, another bathroom, The Operators office, and all that is downstairs. Got it?"

I nod. "I think so."

"Good." He and Hoodie turn around and start to walk away but I stop them.

"Wait. You can't leave me alone."

"Then follow us. Go sit in the dining room with the rest of you need. Just don't bother us." He grumbles. Hoodie nudges him in the arm. "Ok, shut up."

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now