Chapter 9

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This knife is kind of annoying to carry around, but it sure has come in handy these past two days. Just yesterday, EJ tried to call a rematch, let's just say it's 3-0 now.

Masky's been avoiding me, I don't blame him but Jesus dude. Man up. I try talking to him but to no avail. No matter, I can live without him. Jane left for a mission yesterday so I've been following Toby around, but he's got to leave in a few hours too, leaving me with Ben and Jeff's arguments to keep me company.

"So, where did you find a dog like that?" I ask Jeff while we lie across the couch staring at the ceiling.

"In the woods. He's some strange computer dog or some shit." This causes Smile to growl softly. Jeff hangs his hand over the side of the couch and touches Smile's fur softly to quiet him.

"Like Ben?"

"Sort of. I don't know what's with Ben."


"What about you? Where're you from?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Why doesn't it?"

"Ok then. Where are you from?"

"Small town to the north of here."

"And what brought you here?"

"Hey, I asked you first."

"Fine, fine. I'm from a town thats god knows where. I don't know my way around the woods so even if there wasn't some force field around the house, I wouldn't be leaving here any time soon without a guide."

"Ok, you've really thought out that answer."

"Yeah right. I never think through anything. I'm just stating the facts."

"Hey y/n, have you seen-- holy shit." Ben walks in but is silenced by Smile snapping his jaw at him. Ben shoots up and touches the roof, curling his feet up to get as far as he could. "y/n, can I talk to you away from the disease infested animal and his dog."

"Burn!" I laugh.

"Smile, up." Jeff commands. Smile stands with his tail wagging and his tongue out happily before jumping up to try and get Ben again. Ben avoids him and Jeff pats Smile as he sits back down.

"Ok, I'm coming." I grunt as I sit up.

"Y/n, grab me a beer." Jeff snickers.

I roll my eyes and walk with Ben into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I stroll past him to the fridge and get Jeff his stupid beer.

"Have you seen Hoodie?"

"No, why?"

"Because I need to ask him about something."

"About what?"

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes, I want to know."

"Ok, I wanna ask if he can let me borrow his gun."

"You think he will?"

"No, but it's worth a try."

"Well, good luck with that."

"Thanks." I leave him in the kitchen and go back to the living room to do nothing again. I give Jeff his beer bottle and sit on the corner of the couch. Smile puts his head on my lap and I pat his head. Jeff opens his beer with his teeth and takes a long sip.

"Hey, have you seen Jack today?" Jeff asks randomly.

"Which one?"

"The loser."

"Oh, why would I know that?" I scoff.

"I don't know. Just wondering, he was meant to bring me his list to do today but I guess not."

"What are all these lists and missions you guys keep talking about? It's getting really fucking annoying being left in the dark like this."

"You know what, it's not my place to tell you."

"Oh come on, Jeff. You of all people deserve to give me an explanation."

"What's that supposed to mean." He takes another long sip of his beer.

"You nearly killed my friends." I move making Smile growl.

"I was doing my job. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Umm, I don't know, not kill them!" I yell, making Smile jolt back in surprise. "I'm going to my room." I stand up and as I pass Jeff, I snatch his beer and pour it over his face. He coughs and sits up, splashing alcohol everywhere.

"What the fuck!" He calls after me as I leave. "Fuckin' bitch." He mumbles. I turn around and throw the bottle at him. He narrowly dodged it and it smashed on the wall behind him. I smile at him before turning and strutting out.

- - -

I round the corner to my room and collide with someone who is obviously in a hurry. I nearly fall backwards onto the dirty floor.

"Sorry." I say. Hoodie doesn't respond. He always is quiet, only seems to talk to Masky. "Oh, Ben's looking for you." I remember. He nods quietly and walks past me. I watch him as he disappears down the stairs and I exhale not realising I was holding my breath.

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