Chapter 15

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I lift a hand but I don't knock. I try to force myself to but I still don't move. I need to though. Jack's counting on me. I take a deep breath and let my hand fall on the door. I step back and he door instantly flies open. As soon as Masky sees me, he groans and grabs the door to slam it. I quickly step forward and put my foot in the room.

"What do you want?" He growls.

"Can we forget about this stupid feud between us for one minute? Jack wants you, he's...he's in trouble a-and he asked for you." I say quickly through the anxiety and stress.

He hesitates "Ok, where is he?" He finally says.

"His room." I reply. He shoves past me and walks down the hall. The slight limp of his is noticeable and he looks like he's in pain. "Hey, wait up!" I call after him. We walk into Jack's room and Masky quickly pulls a large first aid kit from under the bed.

"Y/n, you can leave now." He says as he opens the kit.

"Uh, no. Actually, I think I'll stay." I close the door and sit on the ground with my back against the far wall.

"And I think, you have to leave."


"Just leave."

"No, I want some answers."

He pauses and sighs. "I need to concentrate."

"Fine. But you have to answer my question when you're done."

"Here," he throws a book at me and it hits the wall making me jump, "read while I do this."

"Great, more reading." I mumble and pick up the book. It's an old copy of the Fault in our Stars. "Is this one of your book?" I ask.

"No, I found it under the bed. What is it?"

"The Fault in our Stars." I snicker.

Masky begins to chuckle then clears his throat and stays quiet. "Shut up." He mumbles. I smile and open to the first page. I usually don't read love stories, but I can make an exception. After all, I've nothing better to do.

- - -

"How much longer is this going to take?" I ask.

"You know, you're really pissing me off." Masky growls.

"Surely suturing wounds doesn't take this long."

"Well it does when you're me."

Then I blurt out something that I didn't mean to say, "what happened when we got home?" I instantly put my hand over my mouth in regret. He pauses for a minute and sighs. "I-I'm Sorry. I didn't mean to. I just noticed you limping a-and felt bad. But it didn't mean to come out that way—"

"Ok, stop!" He looks at me and I close my book. "I told you that if you can be quiet, I'll answer your stupid ass questions. Now shut the fuck up and let me do this."


"What did I just say? I don't need my hands to be any more shaky." I pick up the book and turn to the page I was on before. It isn't until 30 minutes pass that Masky stands up and picks up a glass of water on the night stand. I look over and watch as tips the entire glass of water onto Jack's bloody torso. Jack jolts up in surprise.

"What the fuck!? That stings!" He coughs.

"I just saved your life, bitch." Masky drops the glass on the floor and it smashes. "Debt payed." He turns his heel and walks unsteadily out the door. "You coming?" He taps my head.

"Oh, yeah." I stand up and as I'm about to leave the room, Jack speaks.

"Y/n." He lays back down. "Uh, t-thanks. You didn't have to do that."

"Hey," I smile, "I like the book. We should start a club." I throw the book in his direction and he dodges it with a growl. I wave and leave to follow Masky. I run to catch up and slow down behind him. He opens the door to his room and I follow him in. His room is a lot darker and messier than a lot of the others. "You should really clean up in here." I say.

"Shut up." He snarls. "So...what do you want?"

"Hang on, don't rush me." I sit down on the unmade bed and lie on my back.

"Get off the bed." He growls.

"No, it's actually pretty comfortable." I laugh.

"Hurry up, would you?"

"Ok, ok." I sit up and clear my throat. "What the fuck happened!?"

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now