Chapter 13

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The next few days I spend
in my room. I've been 'grounded'. I know right. What the fuck? People bring my food and lock the door behind them. I haven't seen Masky so far, but maybe it's for the best. I feel really bad for doing what ever I did to him and need to make it up to him somehow. But I don't know anymore. I wish I could rewind back to then and not fallen asleep. I'm so fucking stupid.

I shuffle sideways on my bed and let the top half of my body fall off my bed like I always do. The blood rushes to my head instantly and I close my eyes. Everything feels like it's spinning and I get dizzy quickly. Fuck, I need to get out of this room. I can't be stuck in here any longer. I struggle to sit up and get off my bed, really feeling the dizziness effect after. The small bookshelf in the corner of my room is starting to look more appealing by the minute. I stumble over to it and start to read the spines of what's there. A bunch of history books, a Russian novel, two books with no name and a Agatha Christie novel called 'And Then There Were None'. I do enjoy some of her works so I pull it out and sit back on my bed, turning to the first page.

- - -

About four hours later the lock of my door sounds and it opens.

"Knock, knock." Someone says. I look up from my book. I moved from my bed to sitting on the floor with half of my body under the bed like a weirdo. I pick up the small piece of paper I found under the bed and use it as a book mark.

"Hey, Ben." I stand up and stretch my arms out, yawning.

"I brought food." He puts down a plate of toast on the bed and sits on the floor. "How are you holding up?" He asks.

"I found a book." I say, being fake excited.

"Congrats. Do you want a medal?"

"Shut up. I'm bored as fuck in here." I lean on the wall and slide to the floor. "Do you have anything that I can do while I'm in here?"

"I have my own book shelf." He says. "I'll bring you some later."

"Thanks." I lean over and take a piece of toast off the plate. "What's happening out there?"

"Chaos, that's what." He groans. "Tell you what, I'd rather be up here then down there."

"What exactly?"

"Everyone's just really on edge, you know. After what happened to Masky, no one wants to step out of line or even really talk to Slender." He starts to float off the floor with his legs still crossed.

"What happened to Masky?"

"Oh you don't know?"

"No, I wasn't given the news statement because I don't have access to the daily news downstairs. Please, fill me in."

"Ha Ha, very funny." He says sarcastically. "Your hilarious."

"I know, I practice my comedy show in front of all my imaginary friends in this darn room."

"Ok, stop now. I get the idea." He yawns quietly. "When you and Masky got home, after you left, Slender ripped into him. It was awful. Glad you were in your room for that."

"Ok, I got it."

"There was so much blood, it was like—"

"Shut up. I get it." I repeat. "You don't have to rub it in."

"Sorry. I get carried away sometimes."

"I've noticed." I mumble.

- - -

Ben dropped off a small pile of books shortly after he left and I left them next to my bed to read for when I finish the current one. I'm nearly half way through 'cause I'm a freakishly fast reader. I decide to put the book down and go flipping through the others. Hunger games, the fifth Harry Potter book, two different versions of The Fault in Our Stars, and a pretty broken copy of Per Sematary by Stephen King. Great. There's nothing left to do now. I lie back down on the floor and let out a long, over exaggerated sigh of boredom. The door lock clicks again and I sit up in excitement. Unexpectedly, a big, red and black dog bounds happily in and starts to rub his face on my shoulder.

"What're you doing in here, boy?" I scratch his neck.

"I heard you were bored." Jeff steps in and closed the door behind him. "I came to keep you company."

"Thanks, I was beginning to grow bored of hanging out with my girl Agatha." I laugh.

"They left you books? My god."

"No, it's fine, I don't mind reading."

"You're a strange girl."

"Thanks. I appreciate that." Jeff lies down on the bed and lets one of his hands hang off the side to stroke Smile's fur lightly. "So, from your point of view, what's the severity of the chaos happening down there?"

"On a scale from one to 100, I'd say... 120."


"I know. It's horrible. I'd rather be up here."

"That's what Ben said to."

"If we could, we should bring his Xbox in and play."

"Really? Could we do that." I push Smile's head away from mine. "Could you ask him?"

"Didn't you hear me, I said if we could. Ben and Ire are in a fight."

"Wow, just go apologise or whatever."

"No, it's fine. He's just being a moody bitch as always."

"I hear that. Masky's being a bitch too."

"I think that's just his personality. But yeah. After what happened to him, he's been really on edge." I look down at my lap.

"Was it really that bad?" I say quietly.

"It's not your fault you know."

"It is though. I fell asleep and we got home too late."

"Look, he went out knowing that would happen. The only reason he's being like this is so that he doesn't have to take the blame. It's a stupid guilt trip and you shouldn't give in to it."

"Maybe you're right."

"I'm always right."

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