Chapter 14

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I close my book and throw it to the other side of the room. A knock sounds at the door.

"Come in." I manage to force out. The door opens and Toby pokes his head in. "Hey. I haven't seen you in a while." I smile.

"I just got back from something. I've been told you can't leave here."

"Not until things calm down." I sit up and stretch my arms.

"Well, I'm g-glad to inform you that things have since c-calmed down, well, as much as possible I guess. A-Anyway, you can come down n-now."

"You're fucking with me?" He shakes his head. "For reals?"

"D-Don't you believe me?"

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" I jump up and throw my arms around him happily. "You don't know how long I've been in this god forsaken room."

"Don't waste any time then. Go down there."

"Thanks." I walk past him and out of the room. He follows and closes the door. "Aren't you coming?"

"I-I've got other things to do. I'll see you around."

"Ok then." I skip down the hall and stop at the stairs. I take a seat on the railing and slide down the side. I jump off the end and stumble forward on a bad landing. It doesn't bother me though, I walk proudly into the kitchen and yell, "guess who's back, bitches!" Jeff, Hoodie, Jane, EJ, and Masky all jump slightly and turn to look at me. I recoil slightly at the sight of Masky but he's quick to stand up and shove past my. "Asshole." I mumble under my breath.

"How was solitude?" Jeff asks, trying to change the subject. I hold my hand to my head like a gun and pretend to shoot myself. He laughs, "thought so. Ben's in the living room playing video games if you want to join him."

"Thanks." I skip past him and burst into the living room. "Still alive."

"Y/n!" Ben exclaims, "you're free from the dungeon."

"You know it." I sit next to him. "Now give me the fucking controller."

- - -

A while later, Jeff walks in with Smile and sits down on the other side of the couch with Smile curbing up next to him.

"Wanna play?" I ask.

"No." He says plainly.

"Ok then." I continue playing. I don't pay much attention to Jeff as I play but the air in the room definitely did shift from fun games vibes to an angry brawl vibes. I think of leaving the room, but I don't. I like drama and I know for sure someone is about to start yelling and I'm strangely happy to sit through it. Not to much later, Smile lifts his head and starts growling. Jeff puts a hand on the dogs head and scratches behind his ear.

"Jeff, don't you fucking dare." Ben stands up.

"I'm not doing anything." Jeff says innocently.

"I'm going to get a sandwich." Ben leaves the room as quickly as possible leaving Jess and I in the room. The tension goes down and Jeff starts to chuckle.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"He's fucking paranoid." Jeff laughs. "Smile is the best dog ever."

"I bet." I smirk. Smile's tail thumps on the couch, lifts his head with his tongue hanging out and a drop of drool dangling from the end. I pick up Ben's controller and throw it over to Jeff. He catches it and we pick up where Ben and I left off before he left.

- - -

Ben didn't end up coming back from the kitchen and Jeff and I played Smash for a few hours.

"Jeff." I turn my head and see EJ. I instantly look back at the screen.

"What?" He jerked his controller sideways in full concentration.

"List ready." I feel Jack's Starr burn my head and it makes me uncomfortable.

"Hang on, I'm about to crush this loser."

"As if." I reply. Jack walks past me, making sure to obstruct my view as much as possible as he does. He snatches Jeff's controller and crushes it in his hands.

"What the fuck!" Jeff stands up and shoves Jack back. "What'd you do that for, you dick!?" Jack shoves him back.

"List. Ready." Jack repeats slower, clearly holding back.

"I don't fucking care about that. It could've waited." Jeff pushes Jack back again, harder.

"Don't touch me." Jack protests.

"Oh, little Jackie can't take a small push." Jeff puts on a whiney voice.

"How bout you take this." Jack punches Jeff in the nose and Jeff stumbles back, falling onto the couch. Smile starts to growl, he moved from Jeff's side to my feet about an hour ago and I've been to scared to move away. I pat Smile and try to calm him down. Jeff moves his hand away from his face and looks down at a bloody hand.

"Is that it?" He chuckles. "All that for a small nose bleed."

"You want more, I'm right here." Jack takes the small scalpel out of his hoodie pocket and puts one foot back. Jeff stands back up and wipes the blood out of his mouth with his sleeve. He clicks his fingers next to his side and Smiles hears perk up again.

"Jeff Stop." I say.

"Shut it." He growls. "Smile, go." Smile jumps to his feet and pounces forward instantaneously in Jack's direction. Jack steps back in shock as Smile tackles him to the ground and digs his claws into Jack's chest. Jack surprisingly doesn't scream, he squirms and tries to escape though. Smile growls deeply and menacingly as drool spills from his mouth onto Jack's mask and clothes. "You're back to square one, you little shit!" Jeff yells. "You're the weak one again! You'll always be the weak one!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jack shouts and frees his arm with the small blade in. He stabs the dog in his side and Smile lets go of Jack. Jack kicks his way out and stumbles back. Smile whimpers and cries as a small trail of blood drips down his side and onto the floor. It isn't much as the blade is thin and short, but it's enough.

"You stabbed my fucking dog!" Jeff cries. Jack doesn't wait and punches Jeff in the face again. Jack keeps punching and kicking until Jeff's backed against a wall. Jeff takes a chance to kick Jack in the stomach and he pulls out a knife from his pocket. I stand up and am about to pull Jack away, Jeff stabs him on the left side of the stomach.

"Oh god!" I grab Jack's shoulder to pull him back. I manage to grab him around the waist just above his wound and pull him away with a struggle. He's strangely light and skinny for someone of his strength. Jeff steadies himself and takes the chance to punch Jack across the face while I'm still holding him back. I let go of him and quickly squeeze in between them to keep the distance. "Chill the fuck out!" I shout. They both stop and let out a long sigh. They're both silent. Jack suddenly grips my shoulder and pulls me back. I nearly fall but manage to balance myself. I look back and see what he's trying to say. Deep claw marks scatter his chest and the knife wound is even deeper. He sways slightly and I put my arm around his back. I look to Jeff and he's sitting next to Smile carefully removing the scalpel without injuring the dog more. "W-What do I do?" I ask.

"Take him to his room. I don't fucking care. Just get him out of my sight." Jeff growls.

- - -

I drop Jack on his bed and he lies down with a long sigh.

"I-Is there anything else I can do?" I ask.

"Get Masky, he's good at medical shit." He forces out. I nod and leave the room. I walk down the hall and stop outside of Masky's door.

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