Chapter 2

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I run through the trees and look at my phones for any reception. Nothing was working and the shock of everything is finally sinking in and tears start to fall from my face. As the trees start to become bigger and thicker, I stumble into a large clearing. I stop running and look up to a tall wooden mansion. I stare at all the details and exterior, forgetting what was happening around us until I shake my head. I can probably get a good reception from the top floor. I race to the door and kick it open.

"Yo, what the fuck." Someone yells. I freeze and as my eyes adjust, a figure comes into view. A tall, masculine form with messy hair and a baggy hoodie.

"H-Hello?" I stutter. "Can you help us?"

"Jesus christ." He mumbles. "Hold still, this won't hurt if you squirm."

"Excuse me--" But he lunges at me and we both fall to the hardwood floor. In the light, I finally see the man's face. Or, mask. He's wearing a blue mask with black eye holes that are covered in a layer of black fabric to hide his eyes and also gushing some black tar-like liquid. It dripped on my neck and face as he tried to pin me to the floor. Three years in Karate really helped in this moment as I kick his legs off me and knee him in the stomach. He stops for a second allowing me to shake an arm free and punch him in the face. I take the chance to flip us so I'm sitting on top and I grab his hoodie collar. "Who the fuck are you!? What do you want!?" I yell and shake him violently.

"Get off me!" He growls angrily and tries to push me off. I push down on where I'm holding him and his head hits the floor hard. He stops and I relax slightly which I soon realise was a mistake as he pulls a small knife from his hoodie pocket and jabs it in my lower stomach. I wince but don't show any weakness. My shock isn't settling in and I grab his wrist with the knife with my spare hand, ripping the blade from my skin and slowly using most of my energy, turn the blade around to face him. His grip tightens and I try to push it closer to him to stab him in the stomach as he did to me. He is strong, I'll give him that, but I'm stronger. His grip suddenly fails and I plunge the small knife into his stomach. He doesn't flinch or even make any signal that he was just stabbed. I can hear his echoed breathing behind his mask and it starts to slow down after a while of silence. Suddenly, he twists his hand over mine that's holding the knife and digs his freakishly sharp nails into my hand. I hiss through my teeth and try to escape his tight grip. I said...get off me." He managed to spit out.

"What do you want from me?" I ask again. He doesn't answer and starts to squirm. I keep a tight grip on his collar and pull his head up to smash it against the wood again. He groans and loosens up slightly, allowing me to get my hand free and grab a nearby piece of wood. I quickly get to my feet and as he raises his head, I swing the wood over the back of his head and knock him out. His limp body almost makes me feel sorry for him. He's extremely skinny and bleeding from the small blade I stuck in his stomach. After a second of trying to comprehend what the fuck I just did, a small trail of blood escapes from behind his head, staining the floor under him. God, I hit him real bad, I think to myself. Part of me wants to lift up his mask to see who in their right mind would try and stab a lost girl in the woods, then the other part of me realises that I need to find reception to call the police about the mysterious man in the storm cellar. I pull out my phone and see that there's still no reception. Shit.

I take one last look at the boy and run deeper into the house to find the stairs to get higher. I find a grand staircase and run up it two stairs at a time. I get to the top and turn on my phone light, looking at the zero bars at the top. How hard is it to get a bar around here? I walk down a long hall and see a small light illuminating a room behind a large looking door. I put a hand on the door and creak it open. I see the chocolate brown locks of a person through the crack and start to panic again. It's ok, I tell myself, I have the wood plank and if worst comes to worst, I'll just knock him out and run. I take a step back, put my phone in my pocket, grip the wood with two hands and kick the door open. Two boys, one with a yellow jacket and th other with a yellow hoodie nearly jumps out of their skin and gets to their feet. A mask covers one's face, but it's different from the other boy's. His mask is fully white except for the eye holes, which are outlined in black but still showing his eyes, and feminine looking lips. The other had a black ski mask with a red sad face painted on and his hood was over his head. The hooded man pulls out a gun and points it to me while the one in the jacket picks up a bloody pipe. I start shaking and look back and forth between the two and the one in the hood steps closer.

"U-Uh, I-I'm just looking for reception." I fumble my phone out of my pocket and show them. "S-Someone attacked me downstairs, I-I don't want any trouble."

"How did you find us?" The man in the masks rough voice echoes angrily.

"I-I-I don't know. I needed help. Someone attacked my friends in the woods and I needed to call the police." The hooded man leaned over to the masked man and whispered something into his ear and causes him to chuckle slightly.

"Oh yeah. They're probably dead." The masked man says.


"Yeah. If they were jumped in the woods, they're gone." He says plainly. "Now it's your turn." The man in the mask suddenly swings the pole at me and I duck just in time. The hooded man keeps his aim on me but hesitates to fire at me. The guy swing the pole over and over again and I keep ducking and dodging. Eventually, I get a hit in on his leg and he takes a step back. "Help me!" He yells at the hooded man, but the hooded man stays in place. We continue to swing and miss until the pole hits me in the side. The same side where the first guy stabbed me. That hit reminds me that I was even stabbed in the first place and it makes it hurt a great deal, great enough the I nearly lose my balance, allowing the masked man to hit my leg, making me fall, then across my head. I fall to the floor painfully and my vision starts to blur and fade.

"What are you doing!?" The man says aggressively. "Whatever." His feet creak the floor boards and I see his shoes face me. I brace myself for one last hit but instead, the deafening sound of a gunshot and the loud hump of the man hitting the floor. "What the fuck!" He curses. I want to know more, but my vision becomes black and everything spirals away into darkness.

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now