Chapter 5

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It's been two days in this murder house. Everyone but EJ has taken a liking to me and it's nice to finally have a nice family. Granted, I miss my friends, but I'm sure they're doing fine. I had my phone confiscated after I tried to message Eric which sucks. Most of the people that live here are out at night and sleep until lunch time, I don't know what they do but they call it missions. I don't even want to ask. Currently I'm sitting on the couch with Ben sleeping next to me. I'm waiting for someone else to come home so I can watch a movie or play video games with them. And as if my prayers are heard, I hear the front door burst open. I stand and look around the corner. Hoodie and Masky walk in and Masky's laughing about something. I come out from my hiding spot.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask. Hoodie and Masky turn and look at me in silence. Hoodie leans over and whispers something to his friend.

"What've you been doing?" Masky cocks his head to the side.

"Watching tv with Ben like I always do." I mumble. "Oh." I stop when another boy walks in. He has the same messy, chocolate brown hair as Masky but has a different build. The new boy's taller and much skinnier. He's wearing a brown hoodie with a blue hood, orange goggles that are covering his eyes, a strange mouth mask and has two bloody hatchets, one with an orange handle, around is belt. His hand twitches by his side every so often as he stares at me. "Hi."

"Hey." He says nervously and hesitantly holds out a hand for me to shake. I smile and accept the kind gesture.

"y/n, this is Toby. Toby, y/n" Masky sighs.

"Haven't seen you around." I try to lighten the mood.

"I-I was on a mission. One w-week long."

"I see."

"Yeah. I'm gonna get some f-food." He lightly pushes past Masky and disappears into the kitchen. I turn back to Masky and Hoodie.

"So, I'm bored."

"Ok, and what do you want us to do about it?"

"I don't know. What do you guys do for fun around here?"

"You're asking the wrong person about fun." He groans. "All we do is work."

"I see."

"Maybe ask Toby, e likes to talk to people."

"Thanks." I turn and leave Masky and Hoodie to go to the kitchen where I saw Toby go. I see him at the sink washing off one of the hatchets that he wears around his waist and I lean on the kitchen counter.

"Hey." I say. He jumps slightly.

"Oh, hi." He replies. "Uh, so I-I was never t-told about you."

"I was never told about you either." He chuckles and puts his weapon on the counter beside him.

"When d-did you get here?"

"I think three days ago. But, it's hard to tell when I'm confined to this slaughter house."

"It's not that b-bad."

"Maybe for you. You get to go out everyday and roam wherever the fuck you guys roam."

"You'll be able t-to go out eventually." He assures me.

"I hope you're right." I sigh. "So, what brings you to this place, seems like a strange place to buy on the market."

He stops and nearly drops his other hatchet. "T-That's not important." He says nervously. "And if I were you, I-I wouldn't ask t-too many questions."

"That's what everyone tells me."

"It's wise advice." He comes away from the sink and sits on a stool at the counter next to me. "People here are...c-closed off about e-evrything. Especially if it reminds them of t-their past."


"We're all struggling with our own b-battles, you know."

"Yeah, I understand."

"Good." He stands up and pulls his goggles up to the top of his head, allowing me to see his eyes. They're the same shade as his hair but something about them makes him look empty. "Do you eat waffles?"

"Hell yeah."

"Awesome. I think you and I are g-gonna get along." I can tell he is smiling under his mask at it makes me smile too.

Toby and I take turns at taking a waffle off the plate he made and talking about random things that I would usually discuss with Eric and Tammy. He tells me funny things about the residents of this house and I laugh along with him. We sit for about 40 minutes before Jeff walks in and comes over Toby's shoulder, holding him in a headlock.

"How long's it been since you've been here, eh?" He teases.

"G-Get off me, Jeff." Toby stutters and tries to escape Jeff's grip.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't you wanna tell the story of how you did it?" Toby glances to me and wiggles his head out from Jeff's arms.

"N-No, it wasn't interesting."

"Toby, I know you get all the good missions."

"Jeff!" Toby yells suddenly making even me jump. "I-I don't want to talk about it." He tried to subtly nod towards me but I notice and frown.

"It's ok." I stand up. "You guys catch up. I'll go check on Ben." I walk backwards and escape the tension filled room back to the safety of the living room. Ben is awake now and is sitting up flicking through channels on the tv. "Awake now?"

"Yeah. You wanna watch a movie?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I sit on the couch and stretch my legs out across Ben's lap obnoxiously. He sighs and continues to change the channel. I don't really pay attention until I see my name on the screen through the changes.

"Wait, wait, wait, stop!" I sit up, nearly kicking Ben in the jaw as I do. He changes it back and I see a lady standing outside my old house on the news.

"-search party for the lost girl. If you see her, contact the police immediately. Harold?"

It transitioned back to the news tower where a man in a suit sat. "Thanks Diane. What a tragedy. More on this story later. Now to Jimmy with the sports. Jimmy?"

"Y/n, you're on the news!" Ben exclames. "That's awesome! I didn't even get on the news."

"Is that a good thing?" I ask.

"Hell yeah. That's a great achievement. Most people here have been on the news, not for the same reason but you get the idea."

"Not for the same reason?"

"I wouldn't read too much into it."

"Oh. So I just forget about the news story?"

"Yep. Pretend it's like you finished a book." He changed the channel again. "Your old life is over and it's time to start a new one. A new book."

"Christ, is everyone here so wise and shit?"

"Nah, that'll be the last bit of advice I'll give. Now, comedy, action or horror?"

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now