Chapter 11

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We get to the edge of the woods and Masky stops me before I can step out.

"Hold up. Don't just walk out onto the streets like you live there. For god sake, I definitely can't."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm in a fucking mask, covered in blood. You look like you haven't seen the sun in your whole life. People will think we're some freaks. We don't want them to know it's true."

"Then what do we do?"

"Wait 'till night."

"How long is that?" He looks down at his watch.

"About two hours."


- - -

"Who the fuck brings a pack of cards on a walking trip through the 'haunted' woods?" I chuckle as Masky deals another hand.

"Hey, we could've been doing nothing." He shrugs.

"How long have we got left?" He looks at his watch again.

"We got another game or two left."

"Great." He puts a card down and I finally notice the darkness as I can't really see what it is. We play a round and as I get ready to deal, Masky stands up and gestures for me to as well. I open my mouth but he puts a hand over my face making me nearly sneeze.

"Someone's around." He whispers. "Get down." He pushes my head down and I sit down as low as possible to avoid myself being seen. The bushes in the distance tussle and move like in one of those cliche horror films and now I'm finally feeling the suspense and tension that characters in those movies feel. Without warning, a huge creature leaps out of the bush and lunges at Masky. I scream from the fright and the beast narrowly misses him. Masky's form loosens up and he groans. "Jeff, get out of here!" He yells. Jeff steps out of the bushes and is laughing to himself.

"Dude, she screamed so loud." He cackles.

"Asshole." I mumble.

"Yo, but in all seriousness, you guys gotta get back. You were meant to be back before sundown."

"Are you here to do your job or are you here to bitch to us?" Masky hisses.

"Aren't you already in deep shit?"

"What's that gotta do with you?" He asks.

"Look, if you couldn't tell, you're not my favourite person."


"But you of all people don't deserve to be put through that."

"What?" I ask.

"Shut it." Jeff orders.

"Fuck you." I growl.

"Jeff, stop worrying about me and focus on yourself and your god damn dog." Masky grabs my arm and pulls me up to my feet roughly. "Let's go." We start to walk away and Jeff calls out to us.

"Deep shit, man!" He yells. "Deeeep shit!" We ignore him.

"I swear to god that asshole is gonna make me put a bullet through my head." Masky growls. He takes me to an alley and pulls down a ladder to get to the roof. I climb it silently and he follows. We get to the roof and the wind feels fucking amazing. The lights of the town look so pretty from up here.

"Why did I ever come up here before?" I smile. Masky sits on the side of the roof and hangs his legs off the side.

"Don't fall off this time, or I really am dead." He says. I sit next to him.

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now