Chapter 7

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"Look, can't I just go outside for an hour. I'm starting to feel claustrophobic in here." I plead with Slender.

"I'm sorry, child. I can't let you past the house barrier, it would cause me trouble."


"Now, I need to talk to Masky. Please go and complain about your problems to someone else."

"Fine." I storm out of his office. As I open the door, I walk head first into someone. "Oh, sorry."

"It's ok." Masky pushes me lightly aside and walks past me into the office. I mutter curse words under my breath and the door closes behind me.

"D-Didn't go so well I presume." Toby says happily.

"Why are you so cheery?" I ask.

"No reason."

"Whatever." He follows me back to the kitchen where I usually spend most of my day sitting and thinking. I'm about to sit down when I see a girl. She looks about my age with a feminine looking mask on. Her eyes were completely black as well as her hair and dress. She's stirring a coffee and talking to Sally who jumps up as Toby and I enter the room.

"You guys! Jane's back!" She squeals happily.

"Jane. Oh, I remember you're name. I didn't think I'd get to meet you."

"You must be y/n." Her voice is very mature and sophisticated sounding. She stands up and holds out a gloved hand for me to shake. I smile and shake it. "I've been waiting to meet you. Sally told me a lot." Sally giggles at her name. "How are you finding it here?" Toby and I sat on the opposite side of the table to Jane and Sally.

"Not too bad."

"Jeff isn't bothering you I hope."

"Heh, you could say that."

"I know right." She chuckles softly and leans forward slightly on her seat. "Sorry I haven't been here. Us chicks gotta look out for each other."

"Don't worry, I'm tough."

"So I've heard. Taking out Jack. Big achievement for a newbie."

"Is that how everyone sees me? The-one-who-took-down-Jack?"

"Pretty much."

"Damn. It must be an achievement then." Toby stays quiet throughout the long conversation that I have with Jane and gets up half way through to leave the room. I don't pay him any attention and continue to bond with my new found girlfriend.


I saw a lot of Masky over the next few hours. He is kind of creepy, like he's following me. I guess that's just his thing. I walk around the corner of the living room and hide behind the wall to scare him. I see his head poke in and instantly jump out, yelling at him and making him jump back in surprise. I start laughing at him and he regains his balance.

"My god, you're so funny." I wheeze. "That was hilarious."

"Yeah, yeah." He says sarcastically.

"So." I cough one or twice to get my last laughs out. "Why have you been following me." He seems shocked that I know.

"You could tell?"

"You don't do this a lot, do you?"


"No worry. I've caught you and now you can tell me what the fuck you've been doing for the past few hours watching me."

"And why would I do that?" He crosses his arms.

"Because if you don't...I'll, Hmm, I'll steal your mask."

"Pfft, you couldn't."

"Watch me." Without warning, I jump forward to try and rip off his mask but he catches my hands and kicks me. I trip over the side of the couch and squeal as I fall. He laughs at me and I growl. I stand back up and he mumbled something quietly. I try again but he blocks my arms again and kicks me in the stomach. I stumble back, winded by the blow. "Cheap shot." I say breathlessly.

"I'm the best." He gloats. "Are we done here?"

"Not until you tell me what you were doing."

"Fuck no. That's my business."

"Then I wanna try your mask on."

"Fuck. No." He says slowly with small hand gestures to mock me. "But... I can give you something else."

"That definitely doesn't sound suspicious."

"Shut up. Look, come with me." He held out a hand and I accepted his help up. He leads me up the stairs and around a corner that I haven't explored yet. It gets dark really quickly and I have to hold his arm to make sure I don't lose him. He stops suddenly and I walk into his back making him jolt forward. "Watch it." He growls.

"Sorry, it's dark." I laugh nervously. He shakes his arm away from my hands and gets on his knees. The sound of a key in a lock sounds and the creaking of a door follows.

"The door is small, you'll need to crawl through it."

"Uh, ok?" I get on my knees too and feel out the doorframe before crawling in. "You're not going to lock me in here, are you?"

"No, I'm not that mean." He says in a cutesy voice. He follows me through and closes the door behind him. We crawled on outlet hands and knees for a short time before the roof gets taller and I can stand again. It's still extremely dark until Masky draws a blind and the room is filled a blinding light coming from a huge window on the wall. I shield my eyes and try to adjust to the sudden brightness.

"Jesus," I mumble.

"Come one, keep walking." He pulls my arm and opens the window outwards putting a brick on the windowsill to keep it open. He steps out onto the unsteady looking wooden roof and looks back to me.

"I'm going out there too?"

"Don't be a wimp. I do it all the time." He brags. I shrug and put a shaky hand on the window frame to swing my leg over the side. He helps me out of the window and pulls me carefully up the side of the roof. Masky steps on a small piece of unstable wood and his foot slips, causing him to nearly fall off the roof, dragging me down with him.

"Careful." I hiss.

"Sorry, my leg still isn't too good."

"Right, I forgot about that. How's all that going?"

"Talking resumes when we are safely sitting, please."

"Sorry." He adjusts his footing and we continue to climb. It didn't take long for Masky to reach the top and pulls me up. And holy shit is this view amazing. The miles and miles of trees stretching across the horizon in one way and reaching the small city in the other. The sun is almost ready to set, casting an pink and orange light scattered across the sky beautifully. I stare in awe at the wonderful landscape and am broken out of my trance by Masky tapping my shoulder.


"Uh, hi?"

"I'm talking to you."

"Sorry, I wasn't listening."

"Mmhmm. Doesn't matter then."

"Yeah, yeah." I ignore him again and try to turn around to face the other side when my food suddenly falls under me, and the wind starts to rush past my body on the way down.

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now