Chapter 12

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We watch the kids throw shit at each other for about a few hours before one of them looks up at us. A small boy with messy blonde hair and a black hoodie. He looks up at us and cocks his head sideways. Masky hasn't noticed yet and I put a finger over my lips towards him signalling him to look away and he does. I smile to myself and give me a mental pat on the back.

"What time is it?" I say before yawning.

"About 11:00." Masky replies tiredly.

"Oh, so you're tired too?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't be after being awake for 39 hours straight?"

"Jesus, If I had money, I would pay you to take a nap. Just... you sleep, I'll keep watch and wake you if there's trouble or if the sun starts to rise, ok?"

"I can't trust you not to run away or not be seen."

"You can trust me. You brought me out here tonight knowing you're gonna get in 'deep shit', as Jeff likes to put it. I think if I can trust you to do this for me, you can trust me to not run away for a few hours."

"Ugh." He groans and lies own with his arms behind his head. "Fine." He moves his arms and takes off his watch. "Wear my watch and wake me up at 1am, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I understand." I put the watch over my wrist. "You can count on me, boss."

"We'll see about that." He takes off his jacket and puts it over himself as a blanket. "1am." He repeats.

"Now sleep." I say quietly. He turns over so he's facing away from me and goes quiet. I stand up and stretch out my arms and legs before sitting back down with my legs crossed. It's going to be a long and boring night.

- - -

I look at the watch, 12:40. Almost time to wake the sleeping beast. By now, everyone has gone home and it's just us left out under the slightly cloudy night. Masky's breaths echoed in the mask in a calm pattern that made me feel peaceful. I lie on my back and look up at the few stars visible. I used to hate looking at the stars but this makes me feel good. As I watch the clouds pass overhead, I yawn. My eyes start to close and I quickly rub them to keep them open. It's hard when I've been awake for so long. Thoughts race in my mind on strategies to keep myself awake for 20 minutes. But nothing works.

- - -

"Wake the fuck up!" I'm being shaken violently and I open my eyes quickly. "Y/n, get up." Masky pulls my arm up making me stand to my feet. It's all blurry and I have no idea what's going on. "We're taking the streets back because you fucking fell asleep!" I blink for a second and finally see everything. It's really bright out and Masky's standing in front of me.


"Come on." He grabs my arm and drags me across the roof to the corner where there's a ladder. "Down, now." He orders. I don't talk and start to climb down the ladder. Masky follows close behind and when we get to the bottom, he slips the elastic of his mask over his head and hides his mask inside his jacket. I finally see his face but he moves too fast for me to see it properly and we're suddenly running on the sidewalk towards the woods. People give us strange looks as we rush past them but we pay no attention and keep our eyes on our destination. I jump over a small fallen tree and just like that, we're back in the familiar looking woods. He leads me through the twists and turns of the confusing forest. After a long and tiering run over the uneven ground, we stumble into a clearing and the house makes its way into view. We don't stop running and even through the burning pain in my lungs, I carry on. We burst open the door and everything starts to go cold. I trip over one of Masky's feet as he stops and I let out a small squeal as I fall. Masky slides his mask back over his face and readjusts it. I let my lungs catch up to my body as I prop myself up on my elbows.

"Yo, you guys have got to hide." Someone in front of us hisses. "Slender's looking for you guys and he's mad." They grab my arm and force me to my feet. I realise it's Jeff as he pushes me up the stairs. "Hurry up, go!"

"Go to the roof." Masky whispers to my as we get to the top of the stairs. I nod and head for the end of the corridor to find the secret door. Masky fumbled with the key and slides in his knees and slides the key into the lock. We fall into the room and Masky slams the door behind him. We sit on the floor in shock and let our breath race.

"What the fuck?" I say breathlessly after a while. Masky Hugh's his knees to his chest and starts to panic.

"Shit, he's gonna kill me. Oh god, it's... I'm gonna die." He rambles.

"Yo, calm down. It's ok."

"No it's not fucking ok!" He yells. "I trusted you!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"But you did it anyway! I knew I should've taken you out. This is all my fault."

"I-I'm sure it's be fine."

"You don't fucking know anything!" I shuffle back slightly.

"Look, I don't know much about this place—"

"Which is why you should shut up."

"But, I do know that if you wait it out, it won't disappear."

"You don't understand. It's not as simple as you're trying to make it."

"Then fucking explain it to me and I will understand."

"I can't. Just... ugh. I don't know. Stay quiet for a few weeks and for god sake stay away from me."


"Don't fucking come near me." He repeats slower. "Now go the fuck back to your room and stay there for the rest of the fucking day while I figure this shit out."

"Ok fine." He moves away from the door to let me out. I close the door behind me. What the fuck is his problem?

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now