Chapter 8

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I don't have time to scream as I slip down the side of the roof. My whole life is flashing and my heart is racing. As my legs slide over the edge, a hand grabs mine. It stops me and I look at the long drop below.

"Jesus Christ, you're heavy." Masky grunts.

"Fuck you too, asshole!"

"Get back up." He orders. I kick my legs up and ouch myself back while Masky pulls my arm until we're both safely back to the top. Our breathing is fast and we both still feel the shock from that. "Ok, I knew it was a bad idea coming up here. Let's go back." He says after a while.

"But we just got here." I wine.

"And you nearly fell. Do you know how much trouble I would be in if they knew I brought you up here? I may as well jump off myself if I knew that would happen."

"Then why'd you bring me up here?"

"Because everyone wanted me to shut you up!" He yells making me flinch. "Fuck! Ok, I'm leaving. If you want to stay up here and die of hypothermia in the night, be my guest." He stood up and slowly made his way back down to the window. I follow far behind him, not wanting to irritate him any more.

We get back inside the house and we part ways. I go back to my room and Masky goes downstairs with his fists clenched. I close my door and fall onto my bed. What the fuck just happened?

- - -

I sit at the table as Jane hands me a plate of eggs.



"Do you think I'm annoying?"

She giggles. "Of course you are. Everyone is. Why do you ask?"

"No reason."

"Look." She picks up a knife and spins it between her fingers elegantly. "Almost everyone here is crazy, right?"


"Don't listen to them. Listen to me when I say this." She catches the knife by the handle and pushes it down hard into the table. "You're here for a reason. And until we know that reason, you only need to follow two rules. One, don't take any shit from anyone here. And two, if they do start talking shit, you beat the crap out of them."

"Thanks, Jane."

"No problem. Oh and if I were you, I'd carry this knife with you everywhere. Don't be scared to stab someone in the arm."

"Sure." I pull the knife out of the table and look at the blunt blade. I'll have to sharpen it but, it'll do just fine.

Masky x reader: Behind the Mask [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now