Chapter 6

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The news story I saw earlier has been haunting me for the rest of the day. By the time I get to my room at the end of the day, I don't feel like sleeping. I don't usually have trouble sleeping, but my mind is slightly racing about what the fuck I'm doing here. I lie in my strangely comfortable bed staring at the ceiling in deep thought. Nothing's really making sense to me anymore and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I abandoned my family and friends in only a few days and have now adapted to this lifestyle of homicide and death, or maybe I'm just going crazy. I don't know. I feel stupid as I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. The room is dark and cold, I shiver with the small breeze coming through my window. I want to close the window, but something keeps me glued to my bed. Usually, if I were this bored, I would play on my phone or read a book. Well, so much for that. The noises of banging and yelling sound outside and I finally rip myself out of bed. Finally, some drama.

I open my door and the yelling becomes louder. I'm not sure if being in my room all night is a requirement, but fuck that if it is. I need this. I look down the stairs and see Ben and Jeff yelling at each other and Jeff has his hand on some kind of animal. It looks like a large dog, but it's fur is discoloured and reddish. Eh, a dog's a dog.

"Jeff. When did you get a dog?" I walk quickly down the stairs and jump of the second last one. Jeff takes his hand off the dog and steps out of the way as I step forward to pat it's head.

"y/n, don't touch it!" Ben yells making me stop with my hand hovering above the dogs strange looking fur.

"Why?" I ask.

"Ben, fuck off." Jeff curses.

"I'm only here because of your dumb dog--" The dog lets out a loud growl making Ben jump back and let his feet leave the ground. He floats behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Fine, if you want to get in trouble for allowing your mutt to bite her hands off, be my guest."

"Bite my hands off?"

"Don't listen to him, he's being paranoid." Jeff walks over to me and shoves Ben away. "He won't bite. Go for it." Now I'm unsure. The dog has it's head bowed and it's fur is covering its face. Jeff waits patiently for me to put my arm out and I can hear Ben behind me muttering something under his breath angrily. I put a hand on the dogs rough fur and pat it softly. It's huge tail starts to wag and loudly hit the floor under it. It looks up at me and holy shit.

"Wow, like owner like dog." I mumble. It has a wide smile on its face and looks almost exactly like Jeff. It makes me smile. "What's its name?"

"Smile." Jeff responds.


"You're such a dick." Ben shoves Jeff forward and floats just out of reach of Jeff's angry grabs. I ignore them and get on my knees to pat Smile more. His fur isn't as rough as the first pat which is strange, then again, what isn't. He stands up on all fours and circles me, nearly drowning me in it's bear like body. I giggle as he licks my face wines softly.

"Smile, fetch!" Jeff yells causing Smile to step away from me and growl. I turn around just as Smile leaps up, nipping at Ben who is trying to get as high as possible.

"Jeff, call of your dog. This is unfair." I say also watching the scene.

"So what? Unfair is my middle name." Jeff gloates watching Smile jump up to Ben's quivering figure.

"Y/n, do something!" Ben pleads.

"Ok, ok. Jeff, that's enough. Stop it."

"Why should I?"

"Because...I— Uh. I don't know." I think. "I'll repay the favour when you need me to."

"Hmm. Deal." Jeff clicks his fingers. "Smile, down!" He orders. Smile slowly lowers down from his back legs and growls as Ben slowly lowers back down to the floor. Smile looks at Ben and snaps his jaws making Ben jump back into me.

"You better not break your promise." Jeff threatens.

"Yeah, yeah. Oh, and nothing sexual please." I say nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm not about that life."

"Awesome." I give him a thumbs up and he clicks his fingers to call Smile to his side. Jeff leaves the room and Ben lets out a long sigh. He floats up and puts his feet up on an invisible object with his hands behind his head.

"Thanks for that." He says.

"No problem." I smile at him.

"Don't accept anything Jeff asks you to do that makes you uncomfortable though."

"What's the worst he could ask?"

" careful."

"You don't need to worry about me. I can handle myself."

"So I've seen. Look, you should go back to your room. This house after dark is...feral to say the least."

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then."


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