Chapter 2

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A/N   can we just take a minute to admire that amazing piece of fan art up there (,: .............. okay, you may continue what you came here for.

*Natasha's POV*

We all hold on for dear life as Rocket blasts us forward.

We go through this rainbow-looking wormhole type thing. Next thing you know we are parked in front of a planet.

"So..." Steve begins, looking as if he is about to gack. "This the place?"

"Sure is." Carol replies looking out the huge front window. "I'm going to head down and scan the area."

She exits the spaceship and blasts towards the planet. I look over at Steve and notice him fidgeting with his compass. I place my hand on his shoulder causing him to look up at me. "This is going to work...okay Capsicle?" I tilt my head and smile.

He smiles, "I know this is going to work...because if it doesn't, I won't be able to live with myself." He stares off into the distance, dramatically.

We see a blazing light head towards the ship.

"Well here comes Misses I'm-all-that." Rhodey says under his breath, earning a few chuckles out of the group.

"That was a good one-" Bruce laughs out.

(a/n okay so I'm not sure if Bruce was in the past chapter or whatnot but let's pretend he is cause everyone loves Banner)

"No satellites, ships, defenses of any's just him." Carol announces.

We all look around slightly confused.

"What, did he just decide to go into retirement after murdering half the universe?!" Bruce questions. We all just shrug.

Rocket flies the ship down and we make our way to where he is. He is, what it looks like...gardening?

"So he decides.... to go on and make a farm for himself?!" Steve questions furiously looking at the unusual crops around us.

"I mean what else would you do if you're a lunatic who thinks it's alright to wipe out half the universe?" I plainly say while looking forward.

"I'm going in. You all take too slow," Carol blasts off right before Rhodey was about to, more than likely, make a smart remark regarding her and her overcontrolling, ignorant ways. I mean, I get it -Captain- Marvel, but even Tony isn't that bad. And that's saying something.

(a/n okay so I personally don't really mind Captain Marvel all that much, the only reason she is a wee bit of a bitch is because Reese wanted her to be, so I'm just following along with what she did. So please don't hate me :))

We follow her to Thanos' living quarters.

Carol flies through, putting purple guy into a headlock while Bruce follows in the Hulk-Buster suit grabbing the Infinity Gauntlet arm while Thor is closely behind with his new weapon...axe thing? and slices his arm with the Infinity Gauntlet off, the gauntlet falling to the ground with a thud, making crescent moon notions in the dirt.

Rocket, Rhodey and I jump in aiming guns at Thanos' head when Oldman Cap enters. He walks over to the gauntlet and kicks it over...nothing- no stones- where are they? Steve lets all of his emotions show for a quick second before quickly hiding them again.

"Where. Are. they?" Steve grits out. I walk closer to Grape with my guns still in position.

He stays silent. "Answer the question!" Carol tightens her grip.

"The universe needed correction. After I did my job, the stones had no more purpose."

"You murdered trillions." Bruce said under his breath.

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