Chapter 23

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*A/N hey it's Reese! not having my phone for 2 weeks was so refreshing and I highly recommend it but I'm happy to have ~communication~ again for sure.
also, working with sea turtles in Hawaii was amazing even though they slapped me while I was giving them morphs and now I have scars. I was trying to calm them down and they didn't give a fuck.
anyway, let's get right into the next (not prewritten) chapter ;)


Harley was being kind of weird the other day.

Running in jeans.


I pushed the thought aside as I got out of bed, my ankle still a little sore from Pietro's intense exercise session. I stretched, pulled on a NASA hoodie and blue jeans, and walked out of my room.

Shuri and Harley were on the couch, talking and laughing. Uncle Bruce, Pops, Pietro, Wanda, and Uncle Clint were in the kitchen.

"Hey guys," I sat down beside Harley and ran my fingers through my messy hair, "where's Ned?"

"Um..." Harley glanced at Shuri and Shuri tried her best to conceal a mysterious smile.

"What?" I laughed nervously, fiddling with the front pocket on my hoodie.

"He's just..." Harley hesitated.

"His grandma died." Shuri stated simply and popped a blueberry into her mouth.

"Oh my God!" I sat up and covered my mouth. "Is he okay?! I should call him, that's terrible-"

"No, don't call him!" Shuri raised her hands as I stood up to grab my phone from my room. "He wants to be with his family only right now."

"I feel so bad, I want to be there for him..." I sighed and frowned.

Poor Ned.

"Hey Pete," Pops waved me over to the kitchen. I walked to him, my hands in my pockets and leaned against the counter beside him.

"So I was thinking... maybe today we could do something together. You know, have a little
father-son bonding time." He playfully punched my arm, which hurt a lot worse than it was supposed to due to his strength, and I smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, that'd be fun." He nodded and waved me off. "Go brush your damn hair."

I nodded and did a salute as I jogged to my room. I grabbed a comb and forced it through my wavy hair, parting it and using some water to push down the parts sticking up in the back.
(A/N I have a pixie cut (yes, very gay) and this is literally me when I wake up in the morning)

I walked out and joined Pops as he was going down the elevator. "Ready to go?" He asked as he pressed the 1 button.

"Yeah," I smiled at him.

"It's been a while since we've had time to do things together," Pops sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

"Hey, we're both super busy. It's okay," I assured him. He flashed a small smile.


As soon as the elevator doors closed behind Steve and Peter, I shouted to the rest of the group.

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