Chapter 21

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We are leaving Australia today. The last day or so in Australia, Harley and I just went to exhibits and such. Lounged on the beach. Really anything that tourists would do.

We climbed into the jet Happy flew us here in and took our seats across each other.

"What do you want to do for our 22 hour flight?" Harley laughs as he leans back in his seat.

"Well..." I pause and look out the window as I see the ground getting smaller and smaller. "I have Uno." I smirk.

"Uno...? I haven't played that in ages." Harley sits up in his seat.

"Then looks like you're in luck." I smile and get up to get the Uno cards. "It is the number one card game in the world." I toss the cards down on the table in between us.

Harley gets the cards out and shuffles them and deals them out.

"Okay. I hope you realize I'm going to beat you in this. I always win when it comes to any type of game." Harley looks at his cards.

"I highly doubt that Mr. Keener."

*one hour later*

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! YOU USED A SKIP THE LAST ROUND!!" Harley complains as I put down my last Uno card.

We had been playing this game for an hour and we both had two cards. In my luck, they were both skips. One red, one yellow. Harley played a yellow and yelled Uno. I played my two skips back to back and he looked at me like I had just killed his puppy.

"There is NOTHING that says I can't do that!" I laugh.

"Well it should be! I had a wild card left!!" He throws his card with a huff, crosses his arms, and plops back into his seat.

I shake my head and get up from my seat and sit down in the empty one next to him.

"Is little Harley butt hurt cause I beat him?" I lean my head on his shoulder.

"" He turns his head and looks out the window.

"Really? Cause the whole throwing your Uno card across the table didn't seem so." I chuckle.

"It was in the heat of the moment." He scoffs.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes playfully. "Up for watching Titanic?"

"Why would I ever turn down a chance to see Leonardo Dicaprio in his early years, or even now for that matter?"

"True." I shrug and get the movie started.

*20 hours later*

(a/n  cause I know none of you want a play by play of their whole 22 hour plane ride)

"Boys, we're home!" I hear Happy say as he lands the plane.

I groan and turn over on my side.

I feel Harley get up. "Come on Peter, we gotta say 'hi' to everyone."

I sit up in my seat and run my hands through my hair. "Okay, then let's go." I stand up and try to wake myself up.

I hear Harley laugh and walk up beside me.

We get off the plane and we're greeted with all the Avengers, along with Shuri and Ned, who are technically part of the Avengers now, I guess?

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