Prologue/Chapter 1 & 2-Why me?

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The rhythmic pounding of drops of rain landing in the many pots on my bedroom floor dragged me out of my peaceful sleep and into reality. I sighed and looked over at the clock on my nightstand. It read 6:21 in bright red numbers. As usual, 10 minutes before the alarm. I got up and padded over to one of the pots. I looked in and it was almost full. I dreamed of not having to do this every morning, of actually having a whole roof, of living in a decent house, not this piece of junk. I picked it up and the freezing cold water sloshed onto my pajamas, leaving me wet and shivering as I blindly made my way to the one bathroom in my house. I dumped out the pot and did my business. I hopped in the shower and was struck with a stream of water cold as ice. I also dream of warm water coming through our taps, not having to boil it. I quickly washed my body and hopped out. I looked in the cracked, dirt covered mirror and looked at my ugly face. I had blue eyes with a small nose, that reminded me of a ski jump and small lips. Everything about me was small; at only 5"2 and 95 pounds, I was tiny for a 13 year old. I sighed and walked back to my room to get dressed for school. I stood in front of my dresser and decided upon a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt. I walked downstairs and looked at the kitchen clock. 7:12. I'm early. I walked into my parents room, which also was my sister's room, and saw them all fast asleep. I woke them all up and walked back downstairs. I packed up my school bag and waited for my sister. She came down wearing a pair of black leggings and a pink shirt. My sister was so much prettier than me; she had curly black hair, bright brown eyes with a nicer nose and red lips that held in a brilliant set of pearly whites. She was 10 years old. I loved her to the moon. She had breakfast and we headed out the door.

I walked her over to the elementary school next to mine. She waved goodbye to me and ran inside. I watched her enter through the large blue doors and then headed towards my own school. I was in year 8 and I went to Colàiste Mhuire public school in Mullingar, Ireland. I walked in and saw the most popular boy in school, Niall Horan. I sighed and told myself not to fall for him, as he would never love an ugly thing like me. I looked away from the crowd of 'cool kids' and walked into the school.

A/N omg guys, this is my first fanfic on wattpad so if y'all wouldn't mind commenting and voting for me...haha but I luv feedback so tell meh whatcha think! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1

"Happy Birthday dear Allie, happy birthday to you!!!" my family sang as I blew out the candle on my birthday cake. This was a real treat; I'd never been able to have a cake before. I looked at the large 17 on it. I was finally 17! This was the biggest celebration I ever had for a birthday, as I usually overlooked September 13 because I often didn't even celebrate at all. I wondered how Niall's party was going; we shared the same birthday, and almost everyone at the school was invited. But I didn't have 'Twitter', so nobody sent me an invitation. Im sure it was wild. Niall didn't seem to notice me much; I wasn't pretty or popular or rich, so I wasn't really anybody at school. I hung around with myself. Niall was an amazing singer, and he auditioned for a show called the X factor and didn't come to school much, but he was having a big party with all his old friends and he was bringing his band too. I think they were called 'right direction' or something. They were pretty popular in England and Ireland.

As I blew out the candle, I wished to have a life like all the other kids, to not have to be the responsible one all the time, to be able to relax once in a while. But when I looked into the eyes of my 14 year old sister Stephanie, I realized that to have that 'ideal' life, I would be letting the most important thing in my life down. She was growing up into an admirable, responsible girl. I had to keep her away from my parents, so they wouldn't hurt her the way they hurt me.

I heard a knock at the door and I rushed to answer it. I opened the door and like everything else in my house, it creaked loudly in protest I looked out and gasped. Because there, standing at my door, was none other than Niall Horan.

Chapter 2

He was wearing a red polo shirt, white jeans and white vans. In his hands he held a small box, wrapped in today's newspaper and he wore a nervous smile on his face.

"Wh-what are y-you doing here Niall?" I stuttered. He laughed and handed me the gift. It was light and when I shook it, I heard a light rattle.

"Happy birthday," he said softly.

"Well, um, thank you!!! Oh no, I don't have something for you..." I began to look around in my foyer for something that might do, to discover I have nothing of value in the front area in this pile of dung I call a house.

"No no, it's fine. You didn't know I was coming," he said, and I felt a bit better. He just stared at me for a little while and I looked down at my outfit to see if I had a stain when he laughed again. God, I love his laugh.

"Mind if I come in?" he asked while laughing.

"Oh, yeah sure! I mean, of course!" I said and blushed. I am discovering a whole new side of me today. I don't blush or stutter around most boys.

As we walked through the hall I straightened things and cleaned things up. Niall gave a light laugh when he found one of my sister's socks on the floor.

"Sorry, We weren't expecting company," I said while picking up a painting Stephanie made in year 7. It was a portrait of me, because they were asked to sketch the person they look up to. Most people did their painting on a famous person or their parents but my parents were always out drinking or screaming at us. Not a great role model. I was really touched and she perfected it and gave it to me for my birthday. I hung it back on the wall and it slid to the side. I sighed and led Niall into the kitchen. My sister sat eating cake while my grandmother and aunt cut the cake, leaving me an extra big piece. My parents were probably out with 'work'. I asked for one more slice for Niall when they looked up and said "Hey, that's the boy from kindergarten!". I nodded stiffly and took Niall up to my room. It isn't anything special really; just pink walls, carpet and a desk in the corner. We sat on my bed and it groaned under our weight. I really wasn't kidding when I said everything around here creaks. We sat in silence for a while, which was starting to get awkward, when Niall spoke.

"So, how has the school been?" he asked, but you could tell he didn't really care about that. I had a feeling he came for more than that. Which brought me back to the present.

"Oh my, I forgot about your present!!! I'll go get it downstairs." I stated and quickly rushed off. That gave me some time to think. Do I love this boy? My heart said yes, his blonde hair and blue eyes so strikingly beautiful, his laugh so full of life and love, his angelic voice so clear and young. My brain said no, that he'd never fall for a poor girl like me, but then why would he come to my house?

My mind wandered as I made my way up the (once again creaky) stairs up to my room, where Niall sat in the same position as when I left. I walked over to him and peeled the first layer of wrapping off the gift delicately, careful not to rip the paper. I could use this for somebody else's gift. I pulled off the second and third layer and saw a light blue box with a black ribbon. I untied the ribbon and took the lid off the box. I gasped.

Why me? (a Niall Horan fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now