Chapter 3-Why me?

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A/N hey guys, I'm still getting the hang of the chapters and stuff, so bare with me here. Do I have any readers? Comment and vote!

Inside the box was a silver locket. It was from when Niall and I were kids. In kindergarten we were best friends. We were inseparable; before my biological mom died on a boat, my family was happy and we were quite wealthy. Niall and I were shopping one day when we saw these gorgeous, matching photo lockets on the shelf and we begged my mom to buy them for us. She agreed, and we wore them everywhere, but at the start of grade 1 something started to happen to our friendship. Niall started talking to people about how I have cooties and how my parents would fight a lot (they just decided to divorce) and finally, he told the whole school about how my father beats me. I would come home from school and go into his room where he would beat me and punch me and kick me and cut me for hours, but once it was done I always had Niall's shoulder to lean on, to cry on.

But slowly, that shoulder began to slip away from me, and I became lost and scared. I would try to stay away for my dad, but hiding just brought on worst punishment the next day. I still have the scars and some lasting bruises to show for my rough childhood.

I was talking to Niall one day when his best friend came up and said "hey, how's your dad doing? His knife nice and sharp?" and I knew Niall told them. I threw my locket on the ground, stomped on it and screamed at Niall to get out of my life. I ran away from him and hadn't spoken to him since. My throat tightened at the sight and I looked up into Niall's deep blue eyes. Was I ready to forgive him? I would need some time, I think.

"It was really kind of you to get me a gift Niall," I said, trying to keep my voice level and not yell or cry, "but I think I just need a bit more time to think about accepting this one." I saw his body sag and his face sadden as he said "Ok. But please, tell me when you are ready to forgive me. I miss what we had as kids. I don't have anyone that I can trust with any secret, that likes all the things I like, I don't have anyone like you. I miss that and I need that." He said, and slowly walked out of my room. I heard the door creak and then close and I watched Niall walk down the steps on my porch and walk into the rainy night. His hands were in his pockets and I watched a single tear roll down his cheek as he shivered in the downpour.

And I found myself on the street, running after him. I caught up to him and said "Niall, I have missed that friend as well. I have missed my confidant, my nando's buddy, my Niall Horan." After he hears this his face breaks out into a humungous grin and he sweeps me into a huge hug. I missed the Horan hugs, as he called, or calls them. I walk him back home and he brings me into the party. I've missed him.

Why me? (a Niall Horan fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now