Chapter 11-Why me?

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A/N due to the shortness and suckiness of the last chapter, I decided to be nice an post another tonight! [insert happiness here]

Chapter 11

~Normal POV~

I was smiling devilishly on the inside-I loved tricking Niall! His face fell and he looked at the ground. I continued speaking though.

" the cutest couple in Ireland." I finished and he just stared at me for a second. Then he glared at me, and I just smiled cheekily.

"Don't you ever do that to me ever again Allison Elizabeth Parker." he said, and started to chase me around the room. I was laughing and jumping over things that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I was running down the hall and I turned the corner, walked into a closet and slammed the door. I sat for a while when I felt a tap on the shoulder. I screamed, threw the door open and out comes Niall from behind me, with a smug look on his face.

"Get dressed hun. I'm taking you out." he said simply, and walked away.

I walked into my room and into the closet. I stared at all the clothes, and honestly I felt lost. I walked over to the dress rack and looked through them all; they were all so beautiful! I didn't belong here! I looked them all over and chose a light purple one that had buttons on the top and flows out at the bottom, and matched it with nice goldish flats and did my hair with two braids going to the side, the rest down. I put on a bit of mascara, because that was all I could identify on the large counter of makeup products, and looked in the full-length mirror. I looked fine-I didn't know where we were going, so I went with something not very dressy, but presentable. I stepped out into the living room and turned on their flat screen tv-nothing good was on. I looked around and continued reading 'to kill a mockingbird'. I had just finished it when Niall came in, dressed in a white polo shirt and tan jeans, with white high-tops. He held his arm out and I linked my arm into the crook of his elbow.

"What a gentlemen!" I say laughing, while he smiles at me.

"Thank you, I try. Shall we then, m'lady?" he says and bows. I laugh some more as he leads me out the door and into Mullingar.

"May I ask where we would happen to be going?" I ask as we walk in the evening light.

"Why no, you may not." he says, and puts a mask over my face.

We walk for a long time, around twenty minutes, when he finally stops. He takes his arm off my waist and I can feel him fumbling with the knot on the back of the bandana. I feel the bandana being slowly lifted off my face and when I look around and gasp.

A/N lol just realized this is the second time a chapter has ended this way...first person who can tell me what other chapter ended this way gets a shoutout! [insert more happiness here]

Why me? (a Niall Horan fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now