Chapter 7-Why me?

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A/N sorry about the suckiness and shortness of the previous chapter, my awfulness shall not be excused. So, in a hope that you could possibly find it deep in your heart to forgive me, I posted another chapter! Yay! Hope y'all like it!

When I woke up for what I hoped was the last time, I could walk around for short times and I could eat solid food. Niall and Stephanie visited me many times, but we didn't talk about my parents. I still had conflicting emotions about that-should I be happy? No, that seems cruel. But wasn't what they did to us, their own children cruel? Or should I be sad? That doesn't seem right. I certainly wouldn't miss the daily beatings. And, they did cause my whole hospital stay. And they hurt Stephanie...I felt anger well up inside of me as I remembered watching my dad drag that knife around on her back, her shriek, the red blood, the swirly scars she will have for the rest of her life. I felt the urge to let out a scream, for Stephanie, for the way I have grown up, for the way she was raised, but I felt that would only bring doctors and Stephanie and Niall...I forgot about him. What are my feelings for him exactly? I decided I need to talk to him. I slowly walk out of the room, as sudden movements make me dizzy. I look both ways in the hall and see Niall arguing with the front desk receptionist.

"You have to let me see her. I need her. I...I love her." he said, and I stepped back, surprised. The receptionist slowed her voice when Niall became quiet and said "I'm sorry, but she is not well enough to have visitors. I am so sorry." Then she turned back to her work. Niall's shoulders sagged and his whole body seemed to wilt like a tulip nearing the end of its summer journey. I quickly recalled the call we used as kids-tweet, make a loon call and snap three times. I did this and it caught Niall's attention. He saw me standing in the hall and ran towards me, taking me into a classic, flying Horan hug. He crushed my stomach and I yelped in pain, he put me down immediately, apologizing profusely.

"It's ok," I told him, and we snuck back to my room. I led him through the door. I decided to talk with him about how we feel about each other. Now.

"So, Niall, I, uh, sorta heard what you said to the receptionist there." I tried not to make him feel embarrassed about it. Didn't work. His cheeks turned bright pink and he laughed nervously. He took a breath, seemed to gather his thoughts, and began.

"Well, I meant it. I really love you Allison. I mean, I always thought you were the prettiest girl I'd ever gotten the privilege to lay eyes on. And you happened to be my best friend. I've been so lucky to be your friend these past few weeks, so glad to have you back."

"Even if I wasn't awake half the time?" I asked happily.

"Especially because you weren't awake. They say people learn the most about people when they are too far too reach. I always thought they meant dead but it can also mean knocked out by drugs in the hospital to clog a vein." he laughs, this is funny when you've sat in a hospital room alone for three weeks. "First of all, I learned you don't snore." I giggled at that, but he wasn't done. "I learned you look a lot more relaxed when you know Stephanie is being taken care of. And I learned that when you don't have to care for both yourself and your 14 year old sister, when you aren't worried and stressed, you are even more beautiful than any girl at school, any model, than any girl on this entire planet. I don't want anybody else, I just want you." he finished, and I blushed.

"I think that you are a wonderful, caring, kind, funny and beautiful boy that deserves the best and nothing but the best. So I don't know why you chose me. But I love you Niall Horan, I couldn't ask for a better person in my life right now. I need somebody that will help me, let me cry when I'm sad, let me smile when I'm happy and love me whatever I do. And Niall, I think I want you to be that somebody."


Why me? (a Niall Horan fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now