Chapter 4

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We left the arcade and I went home.

As I was walking through an alleyway I was cornered by a group of thugs. There were about 30 of them, maybe more?

I didn't want to fight so I just carried on trying to walk past. One of the thugs grabbed my arm,

"Where do you think you are going, sweetie?" The guy with black hair and green eyes asked me.

"Home," I replied with my usual expression plastered across my face.

He glared at me and pushed me against a wall, the others surrounded me so I knew I would have to fight.

I punched one of them in the stomach and he grunted in pain, and then I roundhouse kicked another.

They started swearing at me and all attacked, but then something came down and pinned the men to the walls.

"Red feathers?" I was confused about why there were feathers, but that confusion left when the No. 3 pro hero Hawks came down.

"I called the authorities, they will take these guys away in a bit. Are you ok?" He looked a tiny bit worried because I was a weak-looking girl out at night all on my own.

I nodded and started to walk away, "Thank you for helping me, but I had it covered." I said in my usual emotionless voice and walked away.

He followed me......

"Are you just gonna stalk me or what?" He came out and walked beside me, "well, I can't just leave a defenceless girl walking home all alone, what type of hero would I be then!"

I just ignored him and carried on walking. As I was walking I saw Izuku looking around with a concerned look on his face.

He saw me and ran up to me, he went to hug me but I dodged.

"AI-CHAN WHERE WERE YOU!" He was now crying.

"I was at the arcade with the big three. Then I was attacked by thugs, and this dude won't stop following me."

Izuku looked behind me, and I swear his jaw hit the floor.

"P-P-P-PRO HERO HAWKS!!!!!" He started muttering again so I hit him on the head knocking him out.

I dragged him inside, put him on the couch and then went back outside.

I thanked Hawks for the help then went back into the house.

(I don't want to re-write the whole chapter, so I'm making it as the Class Rep thing happens later)

The next day we were told that we would be going on a rescue training trip with, Aizawa, All Might, and one other.

I honestly couldn't care less about the trip, but I had a small bad feeling in my stomach.

I shook it off and went outside to the bus, on the way I made a deal with Kaminari, "I bet Iida will have a whistle."

Kaminari smiled, "I bet he won't. 1,378 yen for the person who wins." (£10)

"TWEET TWEET!" Iida had a whistle.

Kaminari handed me the money, and we all went into the buss. Iida was sad that the bus wasn't the one he was hoping for.

I sat in the back, and Todoroki sat next to me. On the trip, people were making fun of Bakugo and I even smiled a little at the jokes they made. Kaminari called him, an "explosive moron" and I laughed at that

While Izuku was muttering about Bakugo being picked on Tsuyu said something about his and All Might's quirks being similar.

I had summed everything up in the 10 months before the entrance exam, meaning I knew All Might had passed his quirk onto Izuku.

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