Chapter 6

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Warning! This chapter contains self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and some other stuff.

I remembered my family.....

I won the sports festival and got a medal, Bakugo was strapped onto a chair and I could tell that he was gonna blow.

When we finished, we were given a couple of days off.

I took the cheerleader outfit don't judge me!

When I was going to a café, this little girl came up to me.

"You're the girl who won the UA sports festival! I'm your biggest fan! You are also the person in that dancing video aren't you?"

I nodded at the girl. "Yeah. Nice to meet you." I replied without emotions.

"It's so cool that you have more than just one quirk! My quirk is useless but I still wanna be a hero!"

I smiled a genuine smile and pat her on the head, "What's your quirk? And I'm not that lucky..." I stood up.

"My quirk is called Light! I can make a little bit of light appear out of my hands, like this!" She used her quirk and a small ball of light appeared.

"Hey, can you try aiming and throwing the light at that tree?" I asked pointing at a dead tree.

She aimed the light and threw it over to the tree. The tree started glowing and then it was healed completely.

The young girl started wobbling and nearly fell over, but I caught her.

"It looks as if your quirk lets you heal things with the light you produce! Could you try making dark?" I asked trying to help her figure her quirk out.

People were watching us, but I paid no mind to them.

The girl started concentrating, but she didn't make any dark. "I'm sorry... I couldn't do it..."

She looked like she was going to pass out.

"It's fine. Go home and rest then come here at the same time tomorrow Kay?"

She nodded and ran home after asking for an autograph. I gladly gave to her.

I started walking to the café, but my red-winged stalker came.

"Hey, shorty! I saw what you did there! Also congrats on winning the festival~"

I gave him a blank look before starting to walk away again.

"Why was your hair so dark and eyes dull tho~ and HOW DO YOU HAVE 5 QUIRKS!?"

"You really are annoying, Hawks. Leave me alone I have no right to answer to you."

He kept following me and people were staring now. "Stop following me, you paedophile."

He looked shocked, "Aww~ shorty! That's mean~ you hurt my feelings!"

"I'm going to call the police," I said while pulling my phone out.

"Whoa! Don't do that please!" He said while taking my phone out of my hands. He held his arm up so I couldn't get my phone.

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, grabbed my phone and walked away. Leaving him rolling on the ground in pain looking like an idiot.

I got to the café and saw Togata. My brother.....

I walked past him completely ignoring him.

"Hey, Midoriya-Chan! Congrats on winning the festival!" He tried to catch up to me but I walked faster.

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