Chapter 10

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I am so sorry that this is out extremely late. I'm extremely stressed with lots of things (Not school, I flunked that shit.)

"Hikari! What the fuck happened to you!?" Hikari's friend shouted to the beaten and bloody girl, a worried expression plastered on his face.

"I'm fine, Zen." The two had been friends since Hikari moved in with the Midoriya's. So, they both dropped formalities and spoke like they were born English. They were in a cafe on the other side of town. "Just ran into a few thugs. They're at the police station. Possibly the hospital.."

"You're so reckless... Let me guess, some guys we're picking on someone weak, and you beat the crap outta them? And yet you are the one who looks pike shit... There is blood all over you, Hikari!" Zen exclaimed, shaking Hikari by the shoulders. Hikari sighed, knee-ing Zen in the no-no area. The male whimpered, clutching the area and falling onto the ground. Hikari chuckled but soon regretted it as blood spew out of her mouth. She grabbed her abdomen, feeling the stitches shift as she moved.

"You're correct... Bring me to... The..... Hospital...." Hikari passed out, Zen gasping and grabbing onto the girl. He ran to the nearest hospital, kicking the door down and using his quirk to attract attention. His quirk let him attract anything to him, may it be objects, attention, or emotions. His good looks didn't help with getting his fangirls away from him. Also, him being a pro hero didn't help in any way, because it made him more well known.

"HELP! MY FRIEND!" The hospital he had entered, just so happened to be the one that Izuku, Todoroki, and Iida were about to exit. They turned their heads towards the two, eyes widening as they saw Hikari bloody and beaten up. Her stitches open, they had opened when Zen was running as fast as he could.

"HIKARI!" Izuku shouted to his adopted sister, running over with a worried face. "What happened!?" He asked Zen worriedly.

"She got into a fight with a few thugs, then came to me for some unknown reason! She passed out and her stitches came undone on the way here," He said, tears pooling in his red eyes. Todoroki and Iida rushed over, asking the same question as Izuku. A doctor took Hikari, nodding a thank you at Zen.

"May I ask who you are?" Todoroki said wearily, not trusting the white-haired male.

"My names Zen, but I'm also a pro hero by the identity 'Attract'. Hikari made the name when she was ten, don't judge me.."

"Wait... Your Attract!? Number twenty-seven in the rankings, and one of the youngest pro heroes, only twenty-three years old!?" Izuku started to ramble unhearable words, while the three with him sweatdropped.

"Kid... Kid... Kid... Midoriya..." Zen tried to get Izuku's attention,

Please note that this chapter is half-assed and was written last year in August, nearly seven months ago. I haven't touched any of it since I'm discontinuing the book. Read the next chapter for more information.

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