Chapter 8

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-Author POV-

It was 3 days through Ai's internship, and they were going to be patrolling Hosu.

(This is for the fucking plot don't tell me what to do!)

"Midoriya-Chan, your phone is buzzing," Tokoyami said as we were about to board the train.

"Ah, give me a minute I need to take this" Ai replied after looking at the callers' ID.

"Sup Hado-Chan!" She said as she was walking further away from the two others she came with.

"Hey Ai-Chan~, hows your internship going?" Hado and Ai were on a first-name basis since they found out she was Mirio's sister, so they made more of an unbreakable bond.

"It's going good, I decided on going with Hawks over flame brain so I can get him into the number 2 spot. I'm going to slowly ruin Endeavors reputation because of what he did to his family." She didn't know that people were giving her looks, or maybe she didn't care.

"Anyway, were going to patrol in Hosu today. Hope I don't run into the hero killer!" Ai was joking around, but she didn't know that she had just jinxed it.

Like usual.

"THE PIZZA IS HERE!!!!!!" Hado screeched on the other side of the phone.

"Chill jeez... I need to go, people think I'm weird. Nothing new though." Ai said hanging up after Hado said goodbye.

"I'm back~," she said running over to Tokoyami and Hawks. "Anyway, Hawks, what do you think about dethroning Fuck-deavor from his rank?" Ai asked innocently.

"Wha...." Tokoyami was just downright confused on how Ai can say that with such a face.

"No thanks! I think Endeavor is cool-" Ai cut him off with a glare.

"So you think that the person who drove his wife insane, beats his children, has destroyed property and even killed people, who only care about money and power, and also throws all his money at his problems, is COOL!?" Ai said, as her eyes flashing red, but returning back to their normal colour in a split second.

Hawks eyes' widened, "he did all that.....?"

He looked like he didn't believe it.. no. He wouldn't believe it. His idol was an abusive whore who only wants money and power.

"I.... can't believe it... " his face went from shocked to pure disgust in a split second, after remembering how his children are never on TV, how he shouted at the sports festival saying that Shoto, "Finally accepted his purpose". How his wife was put in a mental asylum never to be seen again.

It all made sense now. His kids' needed to be in certain places at certain times. His wife isn't insane, she was forced into the asylum.

"I'm in." He said walking onto the train.

"First, let's go get the hero killer and raise your popularity. I'll create an account on Facebook and throw shade and stuff about him on there. And Tokoyami-Kun I need you to do the same. But go around and tell people you saw Endeavor hit his kid. Can you guys do that?"

Hawks nodded. "I'm going to take care though, the hero killer is dangerous. Also, I give you full permission to use your quirk today! Both of you."

Tokoyami closed his eyes and sighed. "I don't want a part in this. Midoriya-Chan, you can be arrested!"

Au smirked. "Oh, I know what I'm doing alright. There is no way they will find my account's IP address. And even if they do... I have my ways with certain things that do not need to be addressed in this conversation "

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