Chapter 2.

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The Midoriya's went home altogether, two of them were sad and anxious, but the third was confused.

"Why can I not remember anything?" Ai asked confused with a little hint of sadness in her voice that Inko did not notice but Izuku did.

"When you fell out of the window, you hit your head in a way that you would lose memory. You may slowly get it back, but it will take a long time...." Izuku replied sadly.

The girl nodded and her bangs covered her eyes. She walked the rest of the way in silence while Inko and Izuku happily chatted forgetting about her for a small moment.

Then Inko saw another family and waved at the Ash-Blond woman. The Ash-Blond waved back, but then Izuku and Ai saw the Ash-Blond Porcupine called, "Bakugo Katsuki" but Izuku calls him, "Kacchan"

The girl caught the boys gaze but Katsuki looked at the ground instantly, she could tell that he was regretting pushing her out of the window. The mother looked at her son and hit him across the head saying, "KATSUKI YOU BETTER APOLOGISE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!"


And then they had a full-blown argument.

The Midoriya's went on their way home again, and on the way, Ai bumped into a boy with purple hair that defied gravity. She apologised in her emotionless tone and ran back to her "family".

When Izuku told her about being a hero and how great it was, Ai decided that she wanted to be one too.

She had learned that Izuku was quirkless, so she didn't want to tell him that she had more than one quirk. It felt to her like she was being a brat and bragging when she speaks about her quirk.

Ai came up with a training course and a healthy eating program, and they did it together.

Throughout the time they spent training, they were both a lot stronger and healthier.

It was near the end of the school year, and Izuku was a lot stronger. This was all thanks to his "sister" Ai.

Then the teacher came into class and spoke, "Today we are going to be using these sheets to say our future,

"BUT I'M SURE YOU ALL WANNA BE HERO'S ANYWAY!" The teacher threw all of the papers everywhere and everyone started showing off their quirk, accept Izuku who didn't have one, Ai who wasn't dumb enough to break the law, and Katsuki who had a stick up his ass so far it stopped him from moving.

Well, that last part was what Ai thought.

The girl closed her eyes and toned everything out, not hearing what the teacher said. Then her eyes snapped open when she smelt a lot of hospitality and anger.

She saw Katsuki on top of his desk shouting at him being worse than, "all these extras" and being useless because he is "Quirkless"

He used his quirk on Izuku and he tried to protect himself, the teacher did nothing so Ai stepped in.

She grabbed his arm and flung him over her shoulders, and smashed his face into a wall. All with a sadistic smile on her face.

Katsuki was going to blow her up, but when he saw the look on her face he wasn't dumb enough to push his luck.

Last time she flung him out the window and into a tree making sure he didn't get hurt "that much" although the boy wouldn't admit it, to him, it hurt like hell.

-Time Skip End of Day Ai POV-

Izuku and I went home together like usual, but then I told him that I had something to do. I went into the local shop and did the shopping for Inko.

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