Chapter 9

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This chapter is shorter than the rest, and chapters from beyond here will be, too. I'm also changing Ai's name to Hikari

"I guess you caught me... Haha..." Hikari said, smiling. She looked a little dead inside.

"But! I had permission to fight and use my quirk at free will!" She said, standing up and ignoring the pain inflicted on her body.

"I know you did, but these others did not. They broke the law." Dog-Dude said, not caring that Todoroki looked like he wanted to yeet him out the window and into the sun. Hikari did, too. But she hid her feelings well. Better then she could hide her lies about trivial things.

Hikari sighed, eyes closing as she thought about a way out of this mess. She glanced around the room, seeing Izuku's guilt ride face, Todoroki's angry face, and Iida's sad/guilty face. They had never broken the law before, so, this was sure to leave a mark. Furrowing her eyebrows slightly, Hikari listened to the rest of what the half-animal-half-human had to say. His unintentional puns slowly killing her from the inside.

"So, you three used your quirks illegally, meaning, there is no way that you cannot avoid punishment. The female Midoriya, however, can leave without much punishment." The officer got cut off because someone spoke to him/her. We ain't judge people's genders in this household. The newly arrived person was quite, voice going unheard to the group of teenagers.

"I see, anyway, let me continue. We have decided to put the blame onto Endeavour, and you guys are able to go without any punishment. It all depends on what you answer, though." He finished, smiling at the hope in three peoples eyes and faces'. But when he looked at Hikari, his smile wavers. Her face held no hope, happiness, or relief. She was scowling.

"Yes-" Izuku was cut off.

"No. If you guys let us go without any punishment, then we shall never learn. We jumped into battle like idiots, we used our quirks illegally and harmed another human being. Getting off with no punishment would only make us think that we could do anything we wanted, and the law would just abide by pushing the blame onto someone else. Also, we were injured. Endeavour's rank would go down for I was stabbed through me. You must be delusional if you think that I would allow my friends to take such an offer. You three have no say in this, do I make myself clear?" This was one of the moments where Hikari's true personality would come through. The group was shocked, to say the least. Albeit, some looked a little fearful because of the intensity in her voice.

Hikari tried to stand up, seething in pain when she moved her body. Albeit, she did not regret leaping into battle. Not did she regret helping them when she did. If she were to say that she did regret it, then it would most reasonably be a misrepresentation. She was not one to lie about what she regrets and what she doesn't.

Hikari stood up, walking out of the room despite the nurses and doctors telling her to stay in bed. She only waved her arm, narrowing her eyes as she felt the pain. She walked to the front desk, glaring at the person who was working on it. "Let me leave now." She hissed, her eyes turning an onyx into crimson. Her posture was intimidating, despite her clear lack in height. While her demeanour was serious, and un unwavering.

Despite this, the trembling boy did not let her leave. Hikari was in pain, and he could see in her eyes. He chose the career to try and help people, even if he only got a desk job, so he wasn't about to let an injured patent leave. Not without their parent(s)/guardians permission, of course. Hikari was considering to just up and leave, but she knew that someone would run after her. And in her state, she wouldn't get a block away without passing out or opening her stitched wounds.

She sighed, walking back into the room only to hear the words, "Let Hikari-Chan take the publicity for taking down the hero killer. She was the only one who had the authorization to battle, so she can take it." Hikari walked to the window, using her inhuman strength to pry it open. Everyone in the room looked at her, thinking she was just warm and tired. That's clearly not what she was, because just after she had opened the window, she threw her body out of it. People yelled out as they saw the female free fall he the floor.

Hikari was officially done with life, she had given up on trying to use her quirks properly, so she let herself fall to the floor, only catching herself when she was about to hit the ground. She got up, her shoulder injury had opened when she was falling, but she didn't want to go back inside. So, getting it stitched up again was against herself, even if he two voices in her head kept pestering her about everything, and telling her off.

Honestly, they acted worse than Inko when Izuku kept breaking his bones. On live television. And when Hikari acted so...Emotionless. Albeit, Hikari kept things to herself. Especially things about her past. Even the readers only know a small smidgen of what really happened when she was in the forest and living with the Togata family. Well, her family. Hikari wasn't one to make pointless conversation anymore, after running in with the hero killer, Hikari had decided to stop being fake.

It wasn't ideal on everyone else part. But Hikari never liked being fake, despite not liking most things. She would usually wake up at night because of horrible nightmares about her past, but she knew that other people had it worse than her, so she never complained. Not once. Not even when the media portrait her alias as a monster. She didn't complain, knowing that they wanted to make peoples lives miserable. She was only six, yet the world already acted as if she was the worst thing to exist.

Albeit, they got what they deserved. For five days later, the person who had made up everything was found dead in their apartment. Files of fake things scattered around. The media was forced to apologise and say that it was fake since they didn't want to die. They were selfish, only caring about publicity, fame, and getting fake news. Hikari wanted to stop this. She always hated the media. Who could blame her, though? She could, apparently.

Hikari had always hated herself, she blamed herself for being weak and useless. This was why the people that loved her, were dead. Never to be seen again.

Hope you liked this chapter! As you can see, my writing style has improved. There will be more like this, and I'm sorry that everything is slow with updating. There will be more chapters that show more about her past, but as of now, that's all your getting.

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