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Chapter Twenty-Two: "30 Days Without an Accident"

Note: ** Hi omfg sorry it's been so long, and this isn't even really a long chapter by my standards to make up for it. I haven't given up on this story, I promise, I really do wanna finish it and that includes an extended few chapters of the movie Logan. But yeah I've just been really stuck on the chapter but this arc is almost over :-)
Thanks for bearing with me readers x

     M-Day was the most devastating event to happen to mutants across the world. Most lost their powers, and the rest died, leaving behind a world in grief.

Not that the world really cared much about mutants beforehand, only when they faced their greatest genocide did people start to pay attention.

Logan Howlett supposed he was on that path now. Without that damned healing-factor, the adamantium in his body was a poison. One that was very slowly draining him of life.

The effects began the day of Charles' funeral— a proper funeral which he deserved. Many students arrived, and to hell with the niceties— he cracked open a bottle of whiskey.

Yards away from the service, he paced around, occasionally taking a sip. The buzz hit him quick, as did the anger once he realised yet again. Turning, he smashed the almost empty bottle into the tree, hissing when shards of glass stuck into his hands.

He didn't heal. Fuck. The most important part of it all had been drowned out by his grief. Charles, Jean, Wanda.

He shouldn't miss her, after all she was the one to put them all in this mess. He stared at his bloody hand, watching it shake violently as a reaction to his injury. Curling up his fist, his thoughts turned bitter. His healing factor was the most important part of him. It was like a vital organ, and now he was doomed to be just like everyone else. At some point he began to think that death would be better, something more certain.

His dark thoughts quickly passed, and he was met with only guilt.

Wanda was grieving, in a place just like he was now. Not only would he do the same, but he would've done more, and much worse-- Starting with Magneto and ending with every last mutant that stood behind him on Genosha.

It had been 30-Days, such a short period for Logan in his long life. Although, by the looks of it, he didn't have much of a life left.

The adamantium poison in his body was spreading, his skin becoming paler. There was nothing he could do other than sit and wait for the sickness to take him like a terminal cancer patient.

Peter had disappeared, as did Lorna and Magneto. Who could blame them after such an event took place? Though, it was almost poetic that Magneto became the very thing he swore to hate-- the bully, the oppressor. It would almost be funny, if it weren't so tragic.

Heading back inside the mansion, the great big halls were empty. Ororo had stuck around, keeping Logan company, but what use did anyone else have staying? Scott disappeared, Hank was trying to recollect his life and live as a human, as were Rogue and Bobby. And for the others? There wasn't much left for them either.

Some died the second they lost their powers, not everyone was lucky to have non-physical mutations.

"We should look for her, see if there's a way to undo this all," Ororo's voice spoke aloud, echoing across the empty halls. Logan had been too sluggish to notice her appearance, and was almost too drunk to utter a coherent response.

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