Jason toddXreader/ it wasnt your fault

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Warning- cussing, abuse, suicide, long
(Y/N)-your name
(S/H/N)- super hero name
(W/C)- weapon choice
Jason and you were on a mission and you and Jason have been dating for 1 year.


We all got called out for a mission.The mission was about a sighting of Joker, The Penguin , and The Riddler. Batman called all of us together.

"We have caught sightings of Penguin, Riddler, and the Joker." Batman said in his deep low voice.

"We will split into teams of two. Nightwing, Red Robin you guys go after the Riddler. Red hood, (S/H/N) you guys go after Penguin. Robin, you and I are after Joker."

That's what happen before this situation that I'm in. We got to the warehouse and I got my (W/C) while Jason got his guns. We continued walking until there was a split end. We looked at each other a nodded. Me taking the right and him taking the left.

         While I was walking I noticed that the penguin was down here, I went to tell Jason but it ended up not working. All you could hear was static. 'Ok plan B.' I thought to myself. Once I walk into a room, I noticed gas. Not normal gas..... fear gas and laughing gas.....mixed. 'How did they get fear gas unless.. scarecrow is working with them. Aw shit.' I thought as I was putting on my gas mask.

         Then all of a sudden I get kicked in the back. I rolled on the ground then hurried to stand up. When I looked to see who it was, I saw all four of them. Joker, scarecrow, Riddler, and penguin. 'Double shit.' I get into a fighting position with my (W/C). 

"Well look who it is.. (S/H/N). What are you doing here?" Joker said sarcastically.

"I'm here to take you down, you psychotic bastard." I said back.

"Riddle me this (S/H/N). I have no life, but I can die, what am I?" Riddler said.

"You, you idiot. But the answer is a battery."

He looked like he was about to attack until scarecrow grabbed him and whispered something, then turn around to leave with the others except Riddler. 'What are they planning?'

"Ok, riddle me this. Poor people have it, Rich people need it, if you eat it you die, what is it?" 'What is it? What is it? Oh got it.'

"Nothing. It's nothing." I said.

"Ok, Smartass. It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter and tears with light long since shone; a moment to make, a lifetime to shed; valued then but lost when your dead. But is about to come back. What Is It?"

'What? That doesn't make sense?' Then suddenly I feel a prick in my neck. I notice it was a dart. 'Oh great.' I fell to the ground trying to keep my conscience but it starts to slowly go away. Before everything turned black, Riddler came to me a said

"it was a memory but the one that's coming back is not a good one." As he giggles.

                                   {time skip}

       I finally start waking up but when I did, everything started hurting. I opened my eyes fully and saw that I was on the ground, with my hand tied behind my back and my legs also tied. Then it starts kicking in. The memory Riddler said was coming.


I saw my mother in front of me.

"You're a worthless bitch that deserves to die. I can't believe that you're my daughter!" I started crying

"I'm sorry mama. I don't deserve to make you disappointed."

The lady walks out of the room only to come back with a pipe, water, and a rag.

"Which one sweetheart. One or two." I didn't say anything. "Damnit! You Fucker! I'm going to do both of you don't want to obey."

She lays the water and rag on the ground and grab the pipe. She lifted the pipe up and swings into my stomach. The worst part was when I was little she told me stories how she used to be a softball star. She then lifted the pipe up again and continued to swing it at me hitting my stomach over and over, then she stops. She puts the pipe down and grabs the rag and put it over my mouth and started to pour water right onto it while holding the rag in place. It started to get harder to breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out until she just stopped.

"Now sweetheart, go clean yourself up and make sure you hide the bruises before you go to school. Ok?"

Then she left. See papa left us when I was 4 then he got killed in a mob shot out. Well more like he just walked in the middle of it and stood there. Worst part is me and mama was close by when it happened and I saw it with my own eyes. Mama became abusive when I turned 7 and now I was 13. Later that night I heard crying coming from mamas room. I slowly walk into the room and saw mama put a gun up to her head, she looked at me and whispered 'I hate you' and pulled the trigger.


       I saw Joker come in with a pipe. "You know I did this to the second Robin but it was with a crowbar." He smiled sickeningly. I remembered Jason telling me about that whole ordeal. All of a sudden he hits me in my stomach. I didn't grunt or anything, I was used to it. I looked at Joker dead straight into his eyes and glared. He seems like he didn't like that. Joker, Riddler, Scarecrow, and Penguin had their turns. Then the wall blew up and I see a pissed off Red Hood and the rest of the batfamily. Scarecrow suddenly puts fear toxin in my system.

  {time skip because I'm lazy and two after the fear toxin was removed and fight was over}

I opened my eyes to see Jason right next to me. I look over my body to see bandages around my torso, legs, and arms.

"Hey." I said calmly while I touched his hair.

"Hey." He murmured back.

"What happened?"

"You have 6 broken ribs, a sternal fracture(a crack sternum), a cracked knee cap, and you had a dislocated shoulder."

It was silent until he broke it.

"(Y/N), I'm so-"

"Don't even began Jason. You couldn't get there, the coms weren't working, and you came there to save me. You weren't the one beating me, putting fear gas in me, taunting me, or the one giving me stupid riddles. You saved me and helped me."

"Why? Why do you do you love me? You know I'm a piece of shit, yet you love me and stay with me. All of this is my fault! Yet you don't blame me."

"Jason!! It's not your fault! I love you because I understand you. Yes, you can be a asshole at times but so can I. I love you very much and it's not your fault at al-"

Suddenly Jason kissed me to make me shut up. Then we heard the grandfather clock chime for midnight.

"(Y/N) happy 1 year." Jason whispered into my ear.

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