Advice you gave them as Batmom

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I just thought of this and the 'advice' is from like Disney movies, plus the 'advice' is from a sound that did of TikTok so......I don't own any of them. Also it's the advice you gave them when they were younger. Enjoy!

Dick was having a bad day it's been a year since his biological parents died, he got into an argument with Bruce, and, since this kid took school seriously, he also got an 'F' on a paper by his teacher, that we definitely don't like. He was so upset and worst of all it was the day before the death anniversary of his parents. Everything about him was off, his mindset, his movements, his voice, everything was. Bruce was at work and I gave him a scolding about the stupid argument he and Dick had but told him that both of them were in the wrong so I was neutral. I was walking past his bedroom door and heard light sobbing.
I slowly open the door and went into his room, I went up to him, sat on his bed and hugged him, while he told me everything that's going on. Now when I look back on that and until now he's always opened up to me, we always had a strong relationship. Anyways, after he was done talking and crying I knew I had to give him some advice that I learned when I got older. I understood what he was getting at and I didn't pity him since I knew what it felt like to be pitied.
"Dick.... I understand and I know you may not think so but I really do, I lost my parents at a young age too. I was a little bit younger than you and I saw them die in front of my own eyes also.....and it's ok to dwell on what happen and to cry but don't let that bring you down.....'Look kid bad things happen, you can't do anything about it right?'"
"right." He said nodding his head and looking to the ground. "WRONG! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back to the world.'"
"...what does that mean?"
"Dick when everyone is not believing in you and makes fun of you or hurt you more. Don't let them get to you and yes it will hurt but don't take it negative take it as a challenge and prove to them how awesome you can be."
"Thank you.....mama."
"No problem baby. I'm always here, don't think you can't cry or talk to me because you always can." I told him while hugging him.
"Was that from 'The Lion King'?"
"Maybe it was but remember this Disney has the best advice, they may seem silly and dumb and for babies or kids but you can always learn from them."
And yes folks that's how the Dick Grayson got into Disney because of you.

  Jason well he was thinking of everything he did wrong, and Alfred and Bruce couldn't get him to realize that none of that was his fault. You could understand his pain because, I mean, everyone went through it sometimes and you go through thinking about your past once a year or when something reminds you of it. He was in his room and started to look depressed, you came up to him and asked what's wrong. He was quiet not wanting to tell you but no matter how strong or how well someone can lie or ignore you, you can always break them, asked all the villains that are in prison. Anyways, he finally broke and told you. You looked at him with a small smile and understanding face, turned his head to see his face, and you said.
"You got to put your past behind ya." He looked up at you with tears in his eyes. "But it still hurts." Voice cracking, you felt your heart break a little and said "Oh yes, the past can hurt but the way I see it you can run it or you can learn from it." He gave you a confused look before you continued. "Looking back at your past and painful memories will hurt, it always will because you been there and experienced it, but if you run from it, it will always haunt you chasing you into a dark section in your mind. But if you learn from it you'll see the guidance your past will always give you and you'll make braver and confident decisions that you thought were impossible." He nodded in understanding and smiled at you. "Thank" "Anytime kiddo."

Tim had, and still has, OCD where he will look at the future and constantly think of something bad that could or will happen, and sometimes it would be about the past where he'll think he should have down something else. Before you gave him advice it was really bad where the OCD would leave him into anxiety attacks 2 to 3 times a day. But as he got older they weren't common. You always had OCD and did this everyday but when you got Dick they slowed down. Well this was when he started to overthink about the future of you and Bruce dying since his own parents died. You saw he was about to have a anxiety attack but you came in before that could happen and claimed him down. "You know you shouldn't worry about the future, I mean yes at times when it gets rough but not all the time." He didn't say anything so you sighed and said "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift," He looks at you so you leaned it like it was a secret and whispered "that's why it's called the present." And when heard that boy did that kid giggled. You smiled at him and hugged him. ""

Damian was, and still is, an angry child. He always lashed over the little things. It got to the point where you had to sit down and talk to him. He wasn't too fond with you, he thought that you were taking his father away from him and his mother. Slowly he started to get used to you, especially after what his mother tried to do, he began to look up to you. One day he was just mad and kinda depressed. You and Bruce didn't know what was going on with him, but you both thought it was about his mother, so you decided to ask him. Apparently during patrol he had a run in with his mother and she was downgrading him the entire time, and saying bad things about you. And he was slowing thinking that maybe that was true. "Damian,'your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make it who you are. It is the rest of your story so......who are you?" "Who am I?" He asked himself. "I don't understand. I'm Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne and Batman's son." You smiled at him and said, "That doesn't matter who your parents or family are, it's what you do to make people think that that's Damian Wayne." He sits there in silence and deep thought. He finally looked up at you and smiled. Yes folks, THE Damian Wayne smiled at you and said. "Yeah, but I want people to know that Bruce Wayne and (Y/N) Wayne are my parents." You were shocked he never accepted you are his parent, only as the person who married Bruce.

Soooooooo I'm back....... I'm sorry it's been forever......I hope you enjoyed it!!

I'm such a bad author🥲😅

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