Damian WayneX Abused!reader

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I wrote this during my vacation but yeah, I hope you enjoy this.
Reader(you) goes to Gotham Academy because of a scholarship. She is a shy goth girl but can also be sassy and a bit of a smartass. One day she forgets where a place is and finds Damian. Since she doesn't know who he is, she goes up to him to ask. Later they get partnered and then run into each other. But Damian thinks somethings up.
Keys- (Y/N)-your name (N/N)-nickname
(F/C)-fav colour.
Warning: long, abused,cussing.
Authors POV

   (Y/N) was walking down a street in Gotham. She didn't care if it was near crime ally, she had worst. As she was walking down the street to go to an ice cream parlor she goes to the building only to see it closed but not just closed but closed forever. They were going to tear it down. So she went to look for another ice cream parlor. Then she sees this guy walking down, she speed walks up to him and slowly taps on his shoulder, and the guy turn around. She has to admit he's pretty good looking but he seemed like someone who would bully her.

"Tt. What do you want?" The guy asked her.

"Um d-do you-u.... um kn-now.... w-where th-the ice cream p-parlor is?" She silently cursed herself for stuttering. She always had a problem with people because her family and bullies ruined it. The guy then lifts up an eyebrow and made the 'tt' sound again.

"Do you know who I am?" The guy suddenly asked.

"N-no sh-should I? I-if y-you're rich th-then I really d-don't know. I-I'm s-sorry." She said with her head bowed. She thought he was going to hit her or make fun of her but he didn't. He looked at her to take her in. She wore a black choker around her neck, had a nose piercing, wore a black beanie, with a (F/C) off-shoulder shirt, black leggings, and (F/C) vans on. She was her hair down where in kind of covered her face but not really (or just had bits and pieces of hair sticking out of the beanie if you have short hair) then he just calmly told her where to go.

"Do you know where the main highway is? Well then you continue going straight then take a left." He says. (Idk I'm making this up)

"Near the pharmacy?"

"Yes, it's across the street from it."

"Thanks." She said to him and turned to head that way. But what they don't know is that they will see each other again.

{time skip at school by you reading this at probably 2AM}

Damian was just sitting down waiting for his partner for a science project, they had to do. He got what they needed out to do the paper before doing the project. He was wondering who it was. 'Probably an insignificant idiot.' Suddenly (Y/N) came to the table Damian was at, she then put her binder down and grabbed her paper and started to work on it.

"I'll do the first two-. Oh u-uh hi?" She said, surprised to see him again. Damian just nodded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect us to be in the same class."

"Why? But if we're being honest, I didn't even know you came to this school."

"Uh huh. Well that's why everyone calls me goth. I-I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name. It's (Y/N) but you can call me (N/N)."

"Damian and only Damian."

"U-uh cool I wasn't going to make a nickname for you." (Y/N) said. There was silence, Damian started to study her. She was wearing something different from the last time he saw her. This time she was wearing a leather jacket with a (F/C) shirt underneath, some blue jeans, with a choker, beanie, and nose piercing. She had some mascara and light lipstick with a little bit of dark eye shadow. But what stood out to Damian was the bruise on her left eye.

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