Dick graysonXreader

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This one is going to be short and I got the inspiration from watching gender reveals so i hope y'all like it.
You and Dick we're going to have a baby but only Alfred knew what gender it was. So he made a cake for the reveal.
(Y/N)- your name (b/n)-boys name (g/n)-girls name

Your POV

I am 6 months pregnant and, I know it may sound harsh but, I want this baby out of my already. You guys might be wondering why? Or isn't pregnancy wonderful. Well at first it was, until the baby starts kicking and punching you in all the organs you can think of and you can't see your toes or have nothing to wear because of your baby bump. Yes pregnancy is wonderful but you know the saying beauty is pain.

   So..... I BETTER HAVE A BEAUTIFUL BABY AFTER THIS!!! You see everyone tells you the good things about being pregnant but they don't tell you the side-effects. Like you can't find a comfortable place to sleep, you can't keep your emotions in check (some can), you get headaches, back pains, heart burns really easy. There's more but I want to get along with this story.

  Today I'm really excited because it's the gender reveal. Dick wants a girl but I want a boy. Dick wants to name the girl (g/n) and I want to name the boy (b/n). So since Dick wants a girl he is wearing a pink color shirt with blue jeans and I am wearing a blue dress.

Alfred is making the cake because he only knows what the gender is, and most of the justice league is going to be there, along with some of mine and Dicks friends. Me and Dick loaded up in the car and drive to Wayne Manor. When we got there everyone surprised us. There were games like name that Disney song and for the guys they had to eat baby food, drink milk from a baby bottle, and change a toy baby's dipper blind folded and they couldn't cheat or use their powers.  It surprised everyone when Jason won that game.

Finally it came to the gender reveal cake. Me and Dick cut a slice of cake and before we lift it up to see the color we counted to 3. "1.......2.......3..." when we both lift the slice of cake I saw the left side and he saw the right. Then we looked at each other. "It's a girl/boy!!" Everyone quieted down from cheering and looked at Alfred.

"Master Dick, Mrs. (Y/N) you both are having twins." He said with a smile. I started tearing up and hugged Dick along with the batfamily. I can't believe it I'm having twins.

Hope y'all enjoyed it I know it's been a while I just started school Friday and I'm not ready for High school. Anyways I'm just wondering what names did you pick for the 'baby girl and boy' ? Have a goodnight, morning, or evening. Bye!!

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