BatfamilyXbatmom,psychic!reader 2

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Okay, I didn't know what to do for a part 2 but here it is!!! I'm glad y'all liked this idea.

Your POV
Its been a few months since I learned that the little girl Lucy was the twin of Bruce. The boys are in love with me, like mother and son, and keep hinting things like; 'so when is he gonna put a rock on it?' Or 'Dang so much activity and he still hasn't popped the question?' Yeah, that last one was from Jason. We thought that everyone was away from the house but apparently Jason came back from a mission that was supposed to be 3 months but he came back in 1. Anyways back on topic.

Alfred was the first one to figure out that I'm psychic. How? Well I've been staying home quite a bit due to the case I was on, and well I kind of got shot on the job, because of my last case, but hey I still made it home unlike the guy I shot. So after the day I got shot, ghosts has been forming around me like crazy. Alfred saw one with his eyes and he pointed it out to Bruce and he couldn't see it, then he asked me and I told him I could. After that he started to ask me questions about it. I mean I was okay with questions but I didn't know how to respond with 'do you always have holy water on you?' Or 'is there any ghost here now?' Or the one I felt uncomfortable to do, 'can you read me or talk to one of my ancestors?'

I'm not psychic like that. I didn't care to much for it because where I was from if you saw, heard, or speak of some of the things I've been able to, you would of been called crazy. Granted I was bullied because of talking to them without knowing it was ghost.

Now when Bruce and the boys found out, let's just say it was chaotic. By chaotic I mean the same exact questions that Alfred asked me. After explaining my experiences and why I became a police officer, they started to understand.

When everything settled down I looked at Bruce. "Um Bruce..... I Uh want to tell you something." He looked at me waiting for me to tell him what's on my mind. "Please don't hate me when I tell you this." "Why would I hate you? You know I love you, right?" He says back to me. After building up the courage, I decided to tell him. "You had a twin, little sister, didn't you?" Bruce looked at me shocked that I knew that, while everyone else looked confused. "Her name was Lucy, wasn't?" " how do you know this?" He replied back to me. "Well a few months ago she came up to me and her and your mother showed me their deaths. Lucy was wearing a white dress...." I said to him.. 'Oh gosh he hates me now huh? I should probably leave.' I thought as I got up to leave he reaches his hand into mine to stop me.

"Yes, she was. I miss her so much along with my parents." Bruce told me. "Well she told me that she has a request before she continues on." Bruce looked at me when I said this. "..W-what was it?" "She wanted to see you happy, and wanted to let you know that she loves you." Everyone was in shock not knowing Bruce had a twin sister and what I just told him. Bruce looks down and barely letting me to be able to see a tear run down his face. "Bruce are you-" he cuts me off saying, "gosh I miss her so much, thank you, thank you so much (Y/N)." He hugs me and puts his head into my neck.

After a while of everyone trying to act like they weren't crying and Bruce got a hold on himself, he released me. He looked down at me, while I looked at him with a smile. Only to the corner of my eye I see Lucy with a tear running down her face while smiling. "Um Bruce.... Lucy is right next to you on your left... if you want to say something." Bruce then looks on his right and kneels down. "Lucy, I-" "Bruce other left." I say while giggling and everyone starts laughing. "Oh of course." He said while he turned the other way. "Lucy, I just want you to know that I miss you and I love you so much. Thank you for watching out for me. I wish I could see you. I'm sorry for not protecting you that night." Lucy looks at me a nods, then turns to Bruce. "She feels the same way and says that it wasn't your fault, you both were very young." I told him with tears in my eyes.

Bruce stands up and looks at me with a smile. Lucy then takes his hand a squeezes it. Bruce then looks at me with shocked eyes and looks at his hand. "She held your hand and squeezed it." I explain to him. He soon relaxed and looked at the boys. "You never told us you had a twin sister." Dick said after he wiped his eyes from the tears. Lucy then looks at me and comes up to me to give me a hug. "Thank you, for making my brother happy and letting him talk to me." "You're welcome Lucy." I said back as I hugged her. She let go of me and started to walk away while vanishing. "She gone." I say while still looking at the place where Lucy once was.

A month later

Well after the boys realized that I could see and hear ghost, every time we go on a vacation somewhere, they would look up haunted hotels that we could stay at. Frankly it was funny to see them react, but that's for anytime, right?

The End

Me: well thank you for waiting such a long time and I still see your guys comments and it still makes me laugh. I know it's been a looooonnnnggg time since I posted but busy schedule, writers block, getting obsess with anime boys, fanfics, and yeah.
Jason: where you been?
Me: well school and sports and jobs.
Dick: are you even old enough to have a job?
Me:.......Dick I'm a senior this year.....
Dick: Oh da-
Damian: dang you are old
Me: rude... :(
Me: anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

Word count: 1108 words

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