BatfamilyX batsis!reader

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This was requested by @Baby_Judas I hope you enjoy!!

Warning ⚠️: none

Keys: (S/H/N)- Superhero name

2nd POV

The boys only wanted you to be safe, I mean it's Gotham after all they've seen some crazy shit that no one wants to see, even though you were also a superhero called (S/H/N). But what scared them the most was seeing their little sister or only sister get taken from them by a boy. Bruce, he well, he didn't know what to think of the situation, since he's never had to deal with it. Alfred was happy for you, like usual. The boys they didn't know how fast this was coming, I mean out of your whole high school and middle school education you never had a boyfriend. You had guy friends and superhero friends but never a boyfriend, so the day you came asking if you can go out on a date with someone, all hell broke loose.

Bruce thought it was OK because, I mean, you were old enough to date whoever you wanted as long as they were respectful to you. The boys on the other hand, they didn't like that idea I mean who else is going to play strip poker with them or go drink with them or color with them, you were their sister, their best friend, you were always there for them when they were sad or happy, they didn't wanna lose you or see you get hurt.

When the time came for you to ask if you could go on another date, with a certain someone, you totally forgot you had patrol that night, so Bruce being the huge 'justice' person he is said no and that pissed you off, since everyone was going on patrol, the boys were happy because that means you weren't going to go on that date, but what none of them knew was that Babs, or Barbara, was on your side and was going to help you sneak out during your patrol. You guys didn't have to worry about Bruce because he couldn't go out on patrol, so the only people you had to worry about was the four boys and usually you didn't sit next to them the whole patrol only the beginning.

It was quiet, nothing was going on you all turn off your microphones and just sat next to each other, it was getting closer to the time for your date so now was your chance to sneak out. You told them that it would possibly be better if ya'll separate and they agreed so you took the side of town where your date was going to be, which was also a safe area so the boys agreed very quickly, and you told them that you will go onto your com if anything is to go wrong. The guy you were dating knew you had patrol and told you it was OK to cancel but you straight up told him no. After an hour you quickly changed into a casual, loose dress that made it easier for you to take off and put on, you kept your earpiece in just in case but kept your mic off.

You go on your date with your boyfriend and it was nice nothing fancy where a lot of people would take pictures of you and your cover be blown but it wasn't a fast food place. You spent a whole two hours without a bother then decided to go back to patrol, when you came back it was still silent, which was surprising, so you went back to the boys for the rest of patrol.

It's been a week since the patrol/ secret date incident and no one knows about it except, of course, Babs and you. What no one knows is that you and your boyfriend has been dating since the end of your high school career so you've kept this secret for almost three years and no one was suspicious about you.

It was time for another date and your brothers were wondering who it was and what person he was, so they decided to follow you. At the beginning you and your boyfriend knew that the boys were following you so you just ignored them. The boys on the other hand couldn't see your boyfriends face. They continued to follow you guys and saw you guys hold hands, kiss, hug, laugh, and stare lovingly at each other.

It was getting closer to the end of your date and y'all went to the hotel that he was staying at for the night, and oh did the boys thought that was suspicious. They started feel awkward when you two started to make out hard core, you were feeling him while he was feeling you all over too. You started to feel him about to lift your shirt up and you had to stop him.

"Ah, sorry I just-"
"No, it's OK we can stop right now if you feel uncomfortable."
"Connor, I'm sorry I just want to wait till marriage."

Wait did the boys hear you right? Did you say Conner? Like the Conner Kent? Like the son of Clark Kent? One of their best friends? They didn't know how to feel right then and there, should they feel happy because they know he's going to treat me right or awkward that when they spend time with him that you were going to be there. The boys decided to leave and wait for you at the house.

~time skip brought to you by not updating for a while~

You and Conner went by the manor to finally introduce him to your family as your boyfriend, even though they knew him. The boys decided to just be happy for you and Conner and excepted him, Bruce was ok with it since if anything happens to you because of Conner he knows where he lives, and Alfred well he knew about everything since you can't help but to only tell the truth with him, also he helped you go on secret dates with Conner without anyone knowing.

Now the Wayne's and the Kents have Sunday lunch or go out to eat together as a family, well until Bruce and Clark start arguing who's turn it was to pay for the meal that is.

The end

I'm sorry I know this may not have been what you were looking for @Baby_Judas but I hope you liked it. Also for anyone who gave me a request, I'm sorry that I haven't got to it yet I've been busy and started some new animes and been also reading along with sports. Btw the ending of this chapter isn't good either since I didn't know how to end it. See you next time!

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