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Warning: I'm changing the batboys ages closer together, cussing
Ages for this
Dick- 17
The reader (you) is a helper like Alfred in Wayne manor, she is very helpful and has great contact with all the bat-family. The brothers are secretly fighting for her affection of love but she doesn't know it.
(Y/N)- your name      (F/F)- fav flower
(L/N)- last name         (F/M)-fav movie
(F/C)- fav candy  And another one but you'll find out in the story.

3rd POV

(Y/N) (L/N), a girl with friends and family. She is loved by everyone. Well except for some people but she also didn't like them. Anyways, she was Alfreds great granddaughter. How? Well it's quite simple, your grandma is his daughter. She finally got to spend the summer with him and the Wayne family. She always felt that he was the only one who really understood her. He was always there, that was until y'all moved to England. But even then she would call him and explain what's going on and he will help her calm down or tell her a good comeback for her to say.(because we all know Alfred is a fucking savage). She finally made it to Wayne Manor, and she was excited. She hasn't seen Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, nor Bruce for a while.

Bruce was like her dad to her, he treated her like a daughter more than her actual father did. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian were close to her age. She always had fun with the batboys and yes she knew they were super hero's, she was the one who help patch them. But most of all she missed Alfred her best friend in the whole world.

Your POV

I finally made it to Wayne Manor and it's been 2-3 years since I've seen any of them. I saw the big doors that enter into the building. Instead of knocking like I should of, I opened the door and said "Honey I'm home!!!!" Luckily everyone was in the room but the boys were fighting like usual. I didn't yell at them or anything, I just walked past them to Bruce and Papa Alf. (Since he has the nick name Alfie by the boys you get to call him papa Alf.) I was the only one who got to call him that. I gave Bruce a hug and papa Alf a hug and kiss on the cheek. I looked back at the boys to see them still fighting.

"Papa Alf? How long have they been fighting and what for?"

"Well (N/N) it's been 1 hour and it's about being Robin my dear."

"Oh that's stupid but-" I start to whisper to him only "watch this." Then I finished my sentence "but everyone knows if I became Robin I will be the best."
Then the fighting stops, the boys slowly looked at me like they were going to kill me and I giggled.

"Oh really, you think so?" All of them said.

"Is that really anyway to treat me? Fine no hugs or any spending time with you from me." I turned my back toward them and crossed my arms. Then it dawned on them who I was because they came straight towards me and hug me whispering 'how sorry they were' or 'how much they miss me'. They finally stopped hugging me, I tried to catch my breathe and smiled at them.

"It's been a while."

"Well you've grown taller never thought you would." Jason said. Sometimes I just want to knock his teeth out.

"Ha..ha.. fuck off Jason." I said very very sarcastically. He just rolled his eyes and laughed,"Jason, I'm wondering are you trying to find a brain back there or trying to get something out of your throat?" He just looked at me with a glare.

"Papa I'm really tired I'll be going to my room. Love you good night."

"Love you too (N/N) good night." He said back. I go to my room and once my body touch the mattress I was out.

                               {time skip}

  It's been about a month since I been here. I helped papa around the house and I enjoy it. I learned how much these boys can eat, how much fighting they do, and how loud they are. But it's not just the boys it was also Bruce.

  With the boys 3rd POV

   "(Y/N) is really amazing."

   "Yeah that's why I think that I love her."

  "You? Demon spawn, think (Y/N) will ever love you?"

"Why think she won't love you, Jason?"

"No! I just think she would rather date me than you Dick!"

"Yeah right!" Dick said and their fight began. It's been going on for months now, even when she wasn't here. So they made a bet to see who can get her to fall in love with one of them first.

  Dick would get her (F/F) and kiss her on the cheek. Jason would watch her favorite movies like (F/M) and would tickle her from the back. Tim would get her (F/C) and play video games with her. And Damian would do all of that but would also help her with house work or take her somewhere to eat.

(Y/N) really enjoyed this but was wondering why they were doing this. That was until the boys accidentally let it slip, during one of their fights.

"You can't win (Y/N)'s heart!"

"Yes I can she loves me more than all of you!"

"She would rather someone to protect her, like me."

"We all can you moron! But she would rather date me than you dumbasses because I'm smarter!"

Then she got enough of it. "STOP!! What's this thing about me loving one of you guys?"

"Um you see (Y/N) we made a little bet to see who can win your heart." Tim said while looking down because the ground looked a little more interesting than the conversation. "Uh yeah we know it was wrong but we really uh like you." Dick said next. "Yeah, we were to caught up to see who would win than to actually ask you out." Damian said after Dick. "Well (Y/N) would you go out with me?" Jason said I shook my head.

"I'm sorry either way I couldn't go out with any of you." I said. 'Why's' And 'whats' were heard. "Because I already have a boyfriend, (BF/N),(boyfriends name) I'm sorry." "It's ok, he is a great guy."

"Do y'all really forgive me?" I asked. They looked at each other and nodded. "Yes we do." They said together.

I know it's been a while. I've been trying to find out how to make this and another chapter. I hope y'all enjoyed this. Requested by @Fluffyfoxella

Word count: 1154 words

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